Professor Lai Chi Tim, Professor of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies and Associate Director (Executive) of Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), has received the Second-class Thesis Award for his work “Cultivating the Mind and Refining the Inner Nature: Lüzu’s Commentary on the ‘True Scripture of the Marvelous Wonder for the Supreme Mysterious Merit’《修心煉性 ── 〈呂祖疏解無上玄功靈妙真經〉白話註譯》” in the 8th Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Humanities and Social Sciences) from the Ministry of Education (MoE).

The Award is to recognize outstanding research projects and is presented to individuals who have made remarkable contributions in the areas of humanities and social sciences. Professor Lai is a scholar in religious studies, specializing in Daoism, history of religions, and social scientific theories of religion.
A brief summary of the book “Cultivating the Mind and Refining the Inner Nature: Lüzu’s Commentary on the ‘True Scripture of the Marvelous Wonder for the Supreme Mysterious Merit’” is available at this link.