B.A. (Chicago); M.St, D.Phil (Oxon)
姚进庄教授现任文物馆馆长。他在芝加哥大学取得艺术史学士学位后,于牛津大学完成了博士学位。由2006至2013年,他在西雅图博物馆任中国艺术部主任。作为一位明清至近现代的中国艺术学者,他的著作包括:Writing Modern Chinese Art: Historiographic Explorations(西雅图:华盛顿大学出版社,2009)及盖蒂基金会赞助在线图录Remembering Days Gone By: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Seattle Art Museum Collection。他曾任教及演讲于多间大学,包括华盛顿大学及西雅图大学。
1. Gold Muse Award for Online Presence, the American Alliance of Museums, 2014
2. Leadership in Arts Management—J. Paul Getty Foundation, 2011
3. PhD. Fellowship—Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation of International Scholarly Exchange, 2004-2005
4. Somerville Senior Scholar in the Arts and Humanities, University of Oxford, 2003-2005
5. Visiting Scholar, East Asian Library, Princeton University, 2003
6. Best B.A. Thesis in Art History, The University of Chicago, 2000