Support and Opportunities
We nurture our students and faculty by continuously improving the teaching and learning we provide.
Our teachers receive support for professional development and to develop innovative teaching strategies. Students are encouraged to broaden their intellectual horizon and gain new life experiences, as well as acquire new ideas and languages through extra-curricular activities, off-campus programmes and overseas learning and exchange opportunities.

For Students
Scholarships and Awards
With the generous donations from eminent organizations and members of the community, the University, Colleges, Faculties and Departments offer a number of scholarships, prizes and awards.
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Exchange and Internship
Students in the Faculty are provided the opportunities to develop a global perspective and explore different cultures by participating in exchange programmes overseas and internship programmes.
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Academic Advising
In order to support students’ academic development as part of the whole student support and pastoral care system, the University established the Academic Advising System.
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For Faculty
Teaching Grants
Good teachers strive to find new ways to expand their instructional repertoire and engage their students. A variety of grants are available for teachers seeking professional development.
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What They are Saying
Esther Yewpick Lee Millennium Scholarship
“The scholarship covers full tuition fees, transportation expenses to and from the UK, as well as a stipend. I can’t believe my dream has come true.”
Carissa Ma
BA Programme in English, MA Programme in English (Literary Studies)
Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship
“The scholarship covers full tuition fees, transportation expenses to and from the UK, as well as a stipend. I can’t believe my dream has come true.”
Wong Yat Tung
Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship
