Humbled and Honored to Serve
I am both humbled and honored to serve as Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since its establishment in 1963, the Faculty of ARTS has dedicated itself, always from a comparative and trans-regional perspective, to the advancement of a humanistic spirit and to the integration of East and West, tradition and modernity.

Central to our mission in the contemporary world is to articulate and promote the core values of arts and humanities, through teaching, research, and by interacting with society.
It is my belief that a humanities or liberal arts education is indispensable to any meaningful efforts to appreciate the richness of human history or to imagine a shared and desirable future. Such an education also equips us better to grasp the complex and challenging issues that we face in the present.
It is my belief that a humanities or liberal arts education is indispensable to any meaningful efforts to appreciate the richness of human history or to imagine a shared and desirable future.
At CUHK ARTS, we aspire to become one of the best and most respected centers of learning in Asia in the study of arts and humanities, with research on China and the region as a strategic focus. We seek to prepare our students as creative and rigorous learners, with both a humanistic sensibility and a global vision. Through innovative teaching, a rich array of extra-curricular activities, off-campus and overseas learning and exchange programs, we enable our students to broaden their intellectual horizon, to acquire new ideas and languages, and to gain new life experiences.
As part of a leading research university, we are committed to pursuing solid, creative, and impactful humanities scholarship. Our academic staff are well-positioned to undertake cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research as well as to develop collaborative projects across departments and beyond. As humanities scholars, we conduct research not only to contribute new knowledge and ideas in response to changing times, but also to become insightful and engaging educators in the classroom.
As Dean, I am guided by the collective goals and aspirations of our Faculty, and my commitment is to steer our efforts in the direction that we have set for ourselves. Working together, we aim at making CUHK Arts a world-class institution of research and education. Located as we are in the world city of Hong Kong, our vision and reach will always be global.