日期: 2021年5月7日 (星期五)
[ CHINA ECON LAB MASTER LECTURE SERIES: Research on Empirical Macroeconomics ]
Due to the high number of registrants, this event is now being held as a Zoom webinar. If you have already registered, you will need to register again with the new link.
Date: Friday, May 7, 2021, 08:30 – 10:00am Beijing Time
Thursday, May 6, 8:30-10pm U.S. ET
Speaker: Emi Nakamura
Chancellor’s Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, John Bates Clark Medalist
Host: Michael (Zheng) Song, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Zoom registration: https://northwestern.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cU6nDz4KRB6xpK_u4ZCPFw (New registration link updated on 22 April 2021)
Learn more about the China Econ Lab: https://chinaeconlab.org/events-