School of Architecture, CUHK

Faculty and student projects at DesignInspire 2019

Date & Time

05.12.2019 07.12.2019


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Creative initiatives by research teams of three of our professors – Kristof Crolla, Peter Ferretto and Francesco Rossini – and recent graduate Celia Yeh (MArch 2019) are showcased at this year’s DesignInspire, organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

Under the theme of “Holistic Sustainability in Architecture”, the works on display integrate rigorous research and innovative design, and are realised in various forms: architectural projects that preserve cultural heritage, a proposed rock climbing facility that responds to the city’s high-rise context, a community project that enhances social engagement, and an art installation that combines digital technologies with local craftsmanship. Together, they aim to improve the quality of life and make a lasting impact on the world, striving towards sustainability in environmental, social and historical terms through architectural design.


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