School of Architecture, CUHK

Design Methodology and Practice (DMP)

DMP comprises experienced educators and practitioners who have achieved excellence in designed and built architectural works. Faculty members within DMP are committed to current social issues, constructional methods and pedagogical approaches as their design and research agendas. This DRU seeks to rebuild the fundamental bridge between theory and praxis by emphasising the “engaged-process” as its principal pedagogical approach in design and research. Specifically, this occurs in two ways:

Design Studio (MArch)

Each studio addresses a specific research agenda by tackling the issue through methodical problem exercises developed by the affiliated professors. The process encourages students to analyse and think critically before engaging them to design responsively and concretely. Recent topics from the DMP unit range from Re-using Residual Urban Spaces to Memories and Artifacts, through the design of an urban archive. Students within the DMP design projects through a range of methodical approaches, progressing from the experimental and metaphysical towards the concrete and articulated, reinforcing the notions of “research advancing practice” and “practice reinvigorating research”.

Research Projects (Grants)

Adopting a theme-based research approach, this DRU provides a platform of engaged process for faculty members of the School to pursue and undertake projects in architecture and related fields. DMP Unit invites student participation in its on-going projects, and actively seeks collaborations within and beyond the School, with other Design Research Units, faculty members and outside professionals.

Selected Research Projects

  • Kai Tak River Green Corridor Community Education Project (Chang)
  • AIT Building, School of Architecture, CUHK – HKIA Merit Award (Chang)
  • Public Open Space in Private Development (Chang)
  • Hong Kong International School Expansions – AIA Merit Award, AIA Sustainable Design Award (Chen)
  • Design Methodology Publication: “Architectural Notes” (Ferretto)
  • Memorial Park and Church, Seoul, Korea, Architectural Competition – 2nd Prize (Ferretto)
  • Pottery Museum, Korea. Architectural Competition – 1st Prize (Ferretto)
  • A Theoretical Study of Design Pedagogy: Exercise, Project, and Program (Gu)
  • China’s Architectural Education at the Turning Point – Its origins, evolutions, characteristics, and challenges (Gu)
  • Architectural Design in Hong Kong from the 1950s to the 1970s – A Topical and Case Study Approach (Gu with Bertin & Zhu)
  • A Study of the Design Achievements of Hong Kong’s Modern Architecture from the 1940s to the 1970s (Gu with Bertin & Zhu)
  • Digitizing and Analyzing the Geometry of Cenotaph Turenne by Etienne-Louis Boullée (Hwang)
  • Helsinki Central Library, Open International Architectural Competition – Upper Class Mention (Hwang)

Selected Studio Projects

  • Green and The City – SOHO Habitat, G3 MArch 1, 2011-2012 (Chang)
  • Pause City: Re-using Urban Residual Spaces in HK, G2 MArch 1, 2014-2015 (Ferretto)
  • Urban Repository, Memories and Artifacts, G5 MArch 1, 2014-2015 (Hwang)
  • Vertical Cities Asia, Mumbai, G5 MArch 1, 2013-2014 (Hwang)
  • Cultural X’Change, G5 MArch 1, 2012-2013 (Hwang)

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