School of Architecture, CUHK

Design for Sham Shui Po: For Healthy Communities after the Pandemic

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Following up on our Webinar series “2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic” (a joint initiative with the Journal of Public Space), our Master of Urban Design Studio 2021 developed four strategies targeting four sites in Sham Shui Po, a district struggling with ageing population, poor pedestrian environment, poor accessibility to open spaces and crowded living spaces. Our students came up with specific suggestions for the sites, in the hope of addressing and improving each of these issues, which turned particularly acute during the pandemic.

  • Tai Po Road Area: Improve the access to existing public spaces
  • Cheung Sha Wan School District: Improve the pedestrian environment for students
  • Nam Cheong Street and Apliu Street: Increase inclusive infrastructure for the elderly
  • Waterfront area: Facilitate access to the waterfront

The projects of the Studio aim to help implement strategies of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3, 10 and 11. In such context, the team co-developed a Community Public Space Map with Caritas and local residents, sharing essential but often overlooked information to improve accessibility to public spaces in the neighbourhood. The Map will soon be available at our School.

Research Partner: Caritas Community-based Project on Mental Wellness

Related Activities: “30 km/h: For Safe, Healthy and Liveable Streets” Web Forum

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