Prof. TSOU, Jin Yeu (鄒經宇)
Emeritus Professor

PhD (Michigan)
MArch (Michigan)
BSArch (Taiwan)
3943 6558
Prof. Tsou is a Professor of the School of Architecture; the Director of the Center for Housing Innovations, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Prof. Tsou is also the Member of Committee of Science & Technology, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China; the Chairman and Organizing Committee Chairs of China Urban Housing Conference; the Senior Fellow of Architectural Society of China; the Assessor and Member of China Green Building Council, PRC; the Vice-Director of China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council, PRC (CGBC (HK)) and Director of Board of Certification, CGBC (HK); the member of Alliance of Eldercare at China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (兩岸四地城市養老聯盟) ; the Chief Advisor for the Low Carbon Green City Implementation of San Shan New Town in Guang Zhou; the Member of Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) Technical Committee, Australia; the Board of Director and Reviewer of the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ISCCBE); the Founding Member and Past President of Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia (CADDRIA); the Founding Member and the Strategic Partner of the Environmental Design Studies for Public Housing Development with the Hong Kong Housing Authority; and the Member of the United States National CAD Standard Project of the National Institute of Building Sciences.
Prof. TSOU has devoted himself to teaching and research on the areas of performance-based simulation for design and planning; urban housing in China; design approaches to ageing and gender topics; green building and sustainable urbanism; advanced sensor technologies for low-carbon city planning; and computer-aided architectural design and methodologies.
Research Interests
Housing studies, design approach for ageing and gender topics; performance-based design technology, interdisciplinary collaborative planning and design methods, green building technology and evaluation.
1. TSOU Jin Yeu; LI Xiang and CHAN Chun Hong. Effect of Urban Planning Practice to the Formation and Dynamic of Urban Heat Island: A Case Study of Hong Kong The 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering International Society of Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ISCCBE), Committee on Civil Engineering Informatics (CCEI) of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Osaka University 7 pgs. Osaka, Japan, 2016.07.06.
2. TSOU Jin Yeu; LI Bingren; XU Ronglie; LI Xun; LIN Tuo; LI Xiang; CHAO Ming Chun and LIANG Yu Chi. ed. 綠色·低碳:新型城鎮化下的可持續人居環境建設. 第十一屆中國城市住宅研討會論文集. 745 pgs. Beijing, China: 中國建築工業出版社, 2015.07.
3. TSOU Jin Yeu; CHAN Chun Hong and LI Xiang. Green BIM for Housing in Hong Kong and Mainland China The 2nd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics Asian Group for Civil Engineering Informatics 7 pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2015.04.23.
4. TSOU Jin Yeu; CHAO Ming Chun and LI Xiang. UHI-Mitigation Oriented Urban Growth Assessment Modeling for Smart Urbanism, a Case Study of Foshan. 2014 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities Hanyang University 11 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2014.08.29.
5. CAO Yanqun; WANG Min and TSOU Jin Yeu. “The Feasibility Analysis of “House-for-Pension” Based on Beijing City”. Paper presented in the 2014 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, organized by Hanyang University, 17 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2014.08.29.
6. TSOU Jin Yeu; CHAO Ming Chun; LI Xiang and CHEN Ke. “Applying RS and GIS to Study the Impacts of Urban Regeneration on Thermal Environment in Built-up Areas: A Case Study of Kowloon, Hong Kong”. The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 2014 International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 8 pgs. Florida, United States of America, 2014.06.24.
7. TSOU Jin Yeu; CHAO Ming Chun; LI Xiang and FAN Mengmeng. “Effect of Urbanization Progress on Urban Environmental Context in Hanoi, Vietnam-Applying RS and GIS as Urban Analysis and Planning Decision Support”. The 1st International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics Asian Group for Civil Engineering Informatics (AGCEI) and Committee on Civil Engineering Informatics (CCEI), Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) 8 pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2013.11.08.
8. TSOU Jin Yeu; LI Xiang; CHAO Ming Chun; POON Ming Wa and LIANG Yu Chi. “Implement linear visual corridors in hyper-developmental urban environment: case study of visual analysis in Singapore and Hong Kong”. Paper presented in the 17th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, organized by Faculty of Architecture and Design, Pacific National University, 10 pgs. Khabarovsk, Russia, 2012.09.07.
Research Projects
1. Contribution of Urban Planning Implementation to the Formation of Urban Heat Island in Hong Kong, 2014-05-01 to 2016-04-30, funded by Faculty of Social Science, CUHK
2. The Virtual Campus Project: Collaborative Virtual Architectural Environments, 2013-03-01 to 2015-09-01, funded by CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants)
3. The Virtual Campus Project: Collaborative Virtual Architectural Environments, 2013-03-01 to 2015-09-01, funded by Faculty of Social Science, CUHK
Advised Theses
LEUNG Chi To, Mark, “Cloud Tower: Evolution of Shell Structure and Smart Cladding System through Biomimetic Approach,” 2016-17
YAU Wing Lam, Kattie, “High Scope Development Playscape for Early Childhood Education,” 2016-17
YU Ka Hang, Ada, “Co-design Hub: An Urban Studio in Causeway Bay,” 2016-17
LEE Tsz Ping (李旨平), “Sports Hub in Hong Kong: Sports Facility in Urban Content,” 2014-15
WONG Wing Man Venus (王頴雯), “The Ephemeral Effect,” 2014-15
YUNG Long Ming (翁朗鳴), “Eco-living in Natural Site: Future Hong Kong Social Housing Development,” 2014-15
LAU Ka Wai, Calvin, “Empowering A Community: Through Packet Neighbourhood in Mixed Land Use in Ngau Tau Kok,” 2013-14
LEE Siu Ki (李肇祺), “Factory Revitalisation towards Social Integration: A New Housing Typology and Community Hub as Mixed Land Use for Needed Groups through Factory Renewal,” 2013-14
TAM Tsz Yan, “Sky Habitats 2030: Pencil Tower as Urban Regenerator,” 2013-14
CHEUNG Ka Ki, Eric, “Alternative Strategy to Reintegrate Social Coherence: Cross Border Shopping Centre,” 2012-13
TO Xue Zhao, “Paradigm Shift of Kwun Tong from Industrial Area to Leisure and Cultural Hub,” 2012-13
TSOI Yun Fung, Ava, “Transitional Dwelling after Disaster as Pilot: Design for Deconstruction, Reuse and Recycling with Min Carbon Footprint,” 2012-13
WONG Wong Io, Thomas (黃黃耀), “Public Housing for All Less More,” 2012-13
LEE Chun Hung, “Street as Community Connector,” 2011-12
NGAN Yuk Bong, “A ‘Restaurant – Building’ for Sustainable Cities,” 2011-12
XU Xin, “Sustainability Study in Housing Design: to Live in an Environment Friendly and Social Integrated Community,” 2011-12
Honours and Recognitions
SASADA Award 2016, by CAADRIA
Honorary Appointments
1. Member of Committee of Science & Technology, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China;
2. Chairman and Organizing Committee Chairs of China Urban Housing Conference;
3. Senior Fellowship of Architectural Society of China;
4. Assessor and Member of China Green Building Council, PRC;
5. Vice-Director of China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council, PRC;
6. Director of Board of Certification, China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council, PRC;
7. Member of Alliance of Eldercare at China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau(兩岸四地城市養老聯盟) ;
8. Chief Advisor for the Low Carbon Green City Implementation of San Shan New Town in Guang Zhou;
9. Visiting Professor, Tianjin University, Zhejiang University of Technology,
10. Visiting Professor, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
11. Visiting Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University;
12. Member of Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) Technical Committee, Australia;
13. Board of Director and Reviewer of the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering(ISCCBE);
14. Advisory Committee Member, Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)
15. Founding Member and Past President of Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia(CADDRIA);
16. Member, Scientific Board and Board of Supervisor of International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU);
17. Member, International Journal of Architectural Computing;
18. Reviewer, 2012 International Conference on Agricultural, Food and Biological Engineering;
19. Reviewer, 18th International Conference on Open Building;
20. Founding member and the Strategic Partnership of the Environmental Design;
21. Studies for Public Housing Development with the Hong Kong Housing Authority;
22. Member of the United States National CAD Standard Project of the National Institute of Building Sciences;
23. Member, CSUS Committee of Experts on Green Building Assessment;
24. Member, Appeal Tribunal, Buildings Ordinance, Hong Kong SAR;
25. Member, Technical Committee on Design & Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency, Buildings Department, Hong Kong SAR;
26. Member, Technical Committee on Design and Construction Requirements for Buildings for Energy Efficiency (TC), Hong Kong SAR;
27. Member, Committee on Advancement of Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship, CUHK;
28. Member, Judging Panel for Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards, CUHK;
29. Member, CDM Committee on Centralized General Research Lab Complex (Block 1) at Area 39, CUHK
30. Research Fellow, Shenzhen Research Institute, CUHK.
Professional Consultancy Work
1. GB/T 50378 – 2014 China Green Building Labeling Assessment in Hong Kong and Taiwan, 2012-now
2. Tianjin Historical Building Project, 2010-now
3. Low Carbon Green City Implementation of San Shan New Town in Guang Zhou, 2012