Prof. FUNG, Stanislaus (馮仕達)
Adjunct Associate Professor

Stan Fung is a researcher who has published widely on Chinese architecture landscapes in both traditional and contemporary contexts. As Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he is supervising 4 PhD students on topics ranging from Song and Ming dynasty gardens to contemporary Chinese architecture. As Lecturer in Landscape Architecture in the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University in the last four years, Stan Fung has developed a course entitled “Topology and Imagination” into a lively platform for introducing Chinese design culture to students in the GSD. More recently, as Visiting Professor of Architecture in the School of Architecture at Southeast University in Nanjing, Stan Fung is a member of the Virtual Department of Architectural History and Theory (建築歷史與理論課程虛擬教研室), an initiative funded by the Chinese Ministry of Education to develop and share high-quality online courses among Chinese universities. Before joining CUHK, he has previously held teaching positions in the University of Adelaide, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of New South Wales.
Stan Fung’s work has been supported by grants from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange in Taipei, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Architecture in Chicago and the Ian Potter Foundation in Melbourne. In recent years, he has been awarded two GRF grants from the University Grants Council in Hong Kong.
As a PhD supervisor, Stan Fung has worked with research students on a wide range of topics: the emergence of interior design in 19th-century Europe, modern publicity and the image of professional architects in Australia, the modern architecture of Richard Neutra and Richard Schindler, the contributions of Nadar Ardalan to modern Islamic architecture and historic images of Tiger Hill in Suzhou. An account of his views on doctoral education can be found in InterVIEWS: Insights and Introspection on Doctoral Research in Architecture (edited by Federica Goffi, Routledge, 2021).
Current research students and their topics are: Chan Ching Kan (retail developments and public amenities in contemporary China), Sun Xiong (design strategies, site conditions and constructional limitations in contemporary Chinese architecture), Liu Chang (gardens of the Song dynasty), and Liu Yan (gardens of the Ming dynasty).
Research Interests
- Contemporary Chinese Architecture
- Chinese Garden History
- 20th-Century Architecture
- Architectural Theory
- Australian Residential Architecture
S. Fung & ZHAO Yang. “Yixiang, fansi yu ganshou 意象、反思與感受: 趙揚/馮仕達對談. Chengshi huanjing sheji 城市環境設計, 132, no. 8 (2021): 17-25.
WEN Zishen & S. Fung. “Yuanlin tiyan de zai lijie: Wen Hengshan Zhuo Zheng Yuan shihua ce tandu” 園林體驗的再理解—《文衡山拙政園詩畫冊》探讀. Zhongguo yuanlin 中國園林, 2021, no. 4, pp. 30-35.
Fung, S. “Cross-cultural Prospects for Doctoral Training in Architecture.” In InterVIEWS: Insights and Introspection on Doctoral Research in Architecture. Edited by Federica Goffi, 245-256. Abingdon, OXON.: Routledge, 2020.
Fung, S. Four translations for The Dumbarton Oaks Anthology of Chinese Garden Literature. Edited by Alison Hardie and Duncan M. Campbell. Ex horta. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University, 2020.
Chen Jiru (1558-1639), “Preface to A History of Gardens,” 392-393.
Liu Shilong (fl. 1603), “Record of the Garden That is Not Around,” 515-517.
Sun Cheng’en (1619-1659), “Record of the Pavilion of the Borrowing Borrowing,” 518-519.
Huang Zhouxing (1611-1680), “Record of the Make-do Garden,” 519-521.
Fung, S. & WU Hongde. “Between Sapience and Sentience: Four Remarks in Response to Beautiful China.” In Beautiful China: Reflections on Landscape Architecture in Contemporary China. Edited by Richard J. Weller & Tatum L. Hands, Los Angeles: ORO Editions, 2020.
Fung, S. & HUA Li. “Shi nian si ti: Hua Li/Feng Shida duitan” 十年四題—華黎/馮仕達對談. Chengshi huanjing sheji 城市環境設計, 2019, no. 6, pages 17-25.
Curry, J. & S. Fung. “Rudolph Schindler’s Church School Lecture on ‘Form Creation’ (1916): A Preliminary Reading.” In Historiographies of Technology & Architecture: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians of Australia and New Zealand. Edited by Joanna Merwood-Salisbury, Michael Dudding & Christopher McDonald, 58-77. Wellington, New Zealand: Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 2018.
Fung, S. “Guanyu ABBS jianzhu luntan Nomad dashu yanxing de jidian lianxiang” 關於 ABBS 建筑論壇 Nomad 大叔言行的幾點聯想. Jianzhu chuangzuo 建筑创作, no. 205 (Dec. 2018): 183-188.
Fung, S. “Yanci yu linian: He Jingtang de shiji linian yu xingshi yuyan de guanlian” 言辭與理念 — 何鏡堂的設計理念與形式語言的關聯 (Words and Ideas: The Relationships between Architectural Conception and Formal Language in the Work of He Jingtang). Translated by Li Yuke. Jianzhu xuebao 建築學報, no. 592 (Jan. 2018): 12-17.
Fung, S. & ZHANG Ke. “Cong gainian dao shigong: Zhang Ke/Feng Shida duitan” 從概念到施工– 張軻/馮仕達對談 (From Concept to Construction: A Dialogue between Zhang Ke and Stanislaus Fung). Shidai jianzhu 時代建築 (Shanghai), no. 159 (Jan. 2018): 76-82.
Fung, S. & SHUI Yanfei. “Moganshan Dalezhiye Yucun minsu sheji huigu” 莫干山大樂之野庾村民宿設計回顧 (Review and Analysis of the Lost Villa Boutique Hotel in Yucun, Moganshan). Jianzhu xuebao 建築學報, no. 590 (Nov. 2017): 49-55.
Curry, J. & S. Fung. “Rudolph Schindler’s Church School Lecture on Decoration (1916): A Preliminary Reading.” In Quotation: What Does History Have in Store for Architecture Today? Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand. Edited by Gevork Hartoonian & John Tang, 77-89. Canberra: Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 2017.
Research Projects
From Drawings and Photographs to Digital Representation: A pilot study of four Suzhou gardens using 3-D laser scanning, funded by the University Grants Council, Hong Kong, General Research Fund, 2015-2018.
Spatial Analysis of Two Suzhou Gardens: Zhuo Zheng Yuan and Liu Yuan, funded by Social Science Panel Direct Grant, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013-2015.
Advised Theses
CHEUNG Ming Hin, Thomas, “A Village School for the New Territories,” 2016-17
CHAN Ka Wan, Josh, “Hong Kong-China Integration on the Shenzhen Bay Bridge,” 2015-16
LAU Chung Ming, Mig, “Traditional Craftsmanship Village in Sham Shui Po,” 2015-16
CHAN, Amos, “Care for Pigs: Pig Farm, Slaughterhouse and Learning Centre,” 2014-15
WONG Ting Hong, Chris, “Tourist Planning and Cultural Facilities for Po Toi Island, Hong Kong,” 2014-15
Honours and Recognitions
Fung, S. “Hafo jianxue biji” 哈佛教學筆記. Keynote speech for the International Symposium Commenorating the 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Chen Zhi, Nanjing University of Forestry, 30 November 2019.
Fung, S. “Distance, Scale and Movement in Two Suzhou Gardens.” Keynote Speech for the International Symposium on World Architectural History, Department of Architecture, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 2017.
Fung, S. “Wang Shi Yuan.” Keynote Speech for the 16th International Conference on Architecture and Culture, Suzhou University, Suzhou, 2017.
Fung, S. “The Play of Appearances in Suzhou Gardens.” Keynote Address for the symposium on “Spontaneous Beauties”? World Gardens and Gardens in the World, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 10-12 June 2016.
Fung, S. “Relevance and Synposis in Western Architectural History.” Keynote Speech for the symposium on “Teaching Architectural History in the Internet Era: Challenges and Opportunities,” College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University, 22-24 May 2015.
Fung, S., Keynote Speaker, “Exploring the Chapter “On Gardens” in Yuan Ye.” International Symposium Commemorating the 430th Birth Anniversary of Ji Cheng, Wuhan University, 23-24 Novermber 2012.
Fung, S., Keynote Speaker, The 2nd International Symposium on Teaching and Research of Architectural History, Tongji University, Shanghai, 1-2 November 2007.
Fung, S. Keynote Speaker, The 1st International Symposium on Teaching and Research of Architectural History, Dongnan University, Nanjing, 15-16 November 2005.
Honorary Appointments
Southeast University, Nanjing. Visiting Professor of Architecture, since 2010.
Tianjin University. Guest lecturer in architecture, since 2011. Granted standing as PhD supervisor in 2015.
Tongji University, Shanghai. Visiting Professor of Architecture, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 2003-2006, 2009. Visiting University Professor, 2011-2014.
Nanjing University. Visiting Professor of Architecture, 2004.
Shanghai Jiaotong University. Visiting Research Professor of Architecture, 2009-2012.