School of Architecture, CUHK

Exchange Programmes

The School regards academic exchange as a valuable opportunity to enable students’ exposure to new environments, cultures and pedagogies. We therefore support our students in pursuing the wide-ranging exchange scholarships available at the School and University levels.

Current Partner Universities

  • Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
  • Graz University of Technology (Austria)
  • National University of Singapore (Singapore)
  • Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy)
  • Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy)
  • University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart (Germany)
  • University of Cambridge (UK)
  • University of Westminster (UK)


  1. Undergraduate (Years 3, 4) and MArch postgraduate (Years 1, 2) students may be eligible to apply for exchange programmes as specified below.
  2. Final year students are not eligible to apply for exchange programmes in Term 2.
  3. Students should be in good academic and disciplinary standing:
    1. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.7* or above and average studio grades of B- or above at the time of application.
    2. The School will give conditional offers to applicants based on academic record and interview. To secure the offer, selected students are required to retain a cumulative GPA of 2.7* or above and studio grade of B- or above in the semester before the exchange takes place.
  4. Applicants shall fulfill the language requirements set by the host universities.

*Applicants of the exchange programme with the University of Cambridge must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and above at the time of application and in the semester before the exchange takes place.


Eligible students will receive email invitations in the academic year prior to the exchange year.

Partner University Exchange Period Useful links
Delft University of Technology
MArch 1 (Term 2)
Graz University of Technology
MArch 1 (Term 2)
National University of Singapore
Year 3 (Term 2)
Polytechnic University of Milan
MArch 1 (Term 2)
Polytechnic University of Turin
MArch 1 (Term 2)
University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart
Year 3 (Term 2)
University of Cambridge
(United Kingdom)
MArch 1 (Term 2)
University of Westminster
(United Kingdom)
Year 3 (Term 2)

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