Dr. LU, Ronald (呂元祥)
Honorary Professor

DSc (honoris causa) (UNSW)
MArch AS (MIT)
BArch (Hons) (UNSW)
Reg Arch (NSW)
Reg Arch (HK) ARBHK
AP (Architect) HKSAR
Dr Ronald Lu is the founder and chairman of award-winning architecture firm Ronald Lu and Partners (RLP). He received his professional architectural education in Australia and the US, before establishing RLP in 1976 to provide architectural, interior design and master planning services to a global client base spanning the public, commercial and institutional sectors.
As a prominent practicing architect in Hong Kong, Prof Lu has been actively involved in both professional and community work. He was President of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) and American Institute of Architects (AIA) Hong Kong Chapter, as well as Chairman of the Hong Kong Architecture Centre. He is also a Fellow of HKIA and RAIA. At CUHK, he has served as External Examiner of the MArch design studios and thesis projects.