學院 / 學系 / 研究所 / 研究中心 / 單位
MBBCh, Witwatersrand University, South Africa
Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists (South Africa), Sub-specialty (Critical Care)
Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists
Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists (Intensive Care)
Fellow of the College of Intensive Care Medicine (Australia and New Zealand)
Fellow Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Anaesthesiology)
Intensive care
Infections and antibiotic pharmacokinetics
部分論文 (只有英文版本)
- Phua J, Joynt GM, Nishimura M, Deng Y, Myatra SN, Chan YH, Binh NG, Tan CC, Faruq MO, Arabi YM, Wahjuprajitno B, Liu SF, Hashemian SM, Kashif W, Staworn D, Palo JE, Koh Y; for the ACME Study Investigators and the Asian Critical Care Clinical Trials Group. Withholding and Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatments in Intensive Care Units in Asia. JAMA Intern Med 2015;175:363-71.
- Joynt GM, Lipman J, Hartog C, Guidet B, Paruk F, Feldman C, Kissoon N, Sprung CL. The Durban World Congress Ethics Round Table IV: Health care professional end-of-life decision making. J Crit Care 2015;30:224-30.
- Sprung CL, Truog RD, Curtis JR, Joynt GM, Baras M, Michalsen A, Briegel J, Kesecioglu J, Efferen L, De Robertis E, Bulpa P, Metnitz P, Patil N, Hawryluck L, Manthous C, Moreno R, Leonard S, Hill NS, Wennberg E, McDermid RC, Mikstacki A, Mularski RA, Hartog CS, Avidan A. Seeking worldwide professional consensus on the principles of end-of-life care for the critically ill. The Consensus for Worldwide End-of-Life Practice for Patients in Intensive Care Units (WELPICUS) study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2014;190:855-66.
- Udy AA, Baptista JP, Lim NL, Joynt GM, Jarrett P, Wockner L, Boots RJ, Lipman J. Augmented renal clearance in the ICU: results of a multicenter observational study of renal function in critically ill patients with normal plasma creatinine concentrations. Crit Care Med. 2014 Mar;42(3):520-7.
- Roberts JA, Joynt GM, Choi GY, Gomersall CD, Lipman J. How to optimise antimicrobial prescriptions in the Intensive Care Unit: principles of individualised dosing using pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2012;39:187-92.
- Lee N, Hui D, Wu A, Chan P, Cameron P, Joynt GM, Ahuja A, Yung MY, Leung CB, To KF, Lui SF, Szeto CC, Chung S, Sung JJ. A Major Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Hong Kong. N Engl J Med 2003; 348: 1986-94.
- Shen J, Joynt GM, Critchley LA, Tan IKS, Lee A. A survey of the current status of intensive care teaching in English speaking medical schools. Crit Care Med 2003; 31: 293-298.
- Joynt GM, Lipman J, Gomersall CD, Young RJ, Wong ELY, Gin T. The pharmacokinetics of once daily dosing of ceftriaxone in critically ill patients. J Antimicrob Chemother 2001;47:421-29.
- Joynt GM, Gomersall CD, Tan P, Lee A, Cheng CAY, Wong ELY. Prospective evaluation of patients refused admission to an intensive care unit - triage, futility and outcome. Intensive Care Med 2001;27:1459-65.
- Joynt GM, Gomersall CD, Buckley TA, Oh TE, Young RA, Freebairn RC. Comparison of intrathoracic and intra-abdominal measurements of central venous pressure. Lancet 1996;347:1155-7.
Coordinator – Medical Student Professionalism Track