The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Global Elective for Medical Students (CUHK GEMS)
(For Training and Mentoring Future Medicos)
GEMS (Global Elective for Medical Students) is an education initiative aiming:
Overall goal: To enhance the training of the doctors of the future by providing outstanding medical electives in Hong Kong, Australia or other countries* that include both clinical skills training and clinical research or community engagement
- Provide excellent clinical elective attachment opportunities for senior medical students of the CUHK, Australia, and other medical schools across the globe, including the United States and Europe
- Combine clinical training with research and/or service by including a research project and/or community project during the clinical attachment. To provide role models, mentors and peer support for future medical doctors
- Build ambassadors for their home University and country
- Students may also apply for an in-country elective
- 1 June to 26 June 2020 (4weeks)
- The 2nd GEMS programme will be hosted by leading clinical researchers at St Vincent's Clinical School: Melbourne Medical School. Up to two positions are available, one in the Gastroenterology unit and one in the Endocrinology unit.
Programme Format:
- Clinical training including in-patients ward rounds and out-patient clinic attachments
- Students suggest a specific elective and clinical topic of interest and what they would intend to do for research or community engagements in their application letters. Board members will discuss and finalize the proposal with them and guide them through the clinical research and/or community projects
- Medical students in their penultimate or final year of the medical course, with at least one year of clinical training in their home medical school with satisfactory progress
- Written and spoken language skills of an appropriate level to undertake the GEMS programme in the host institution (for Australia, this will be English)
- Can provide at least 3 referees (preferably 2 from academia and 1 from non-academia) for the selection process
- Agreement to provide short reports, preferably with photos*, upon completion of the CUHK GEMS programme, which can be utilised in promotion of the initiative, such as being placed on the website
- Able to self-fund expenses such as airfares, accommodation, living expenses and visa applications
*Photos must not contain images of any patients. Students are asked to be mindful of the privacy and security of the setting. All images that may be utilised in promotion purposes must be approved by the St Vincent's Clinical School.
- Any placement fees, visa, travel and living expenses are to be met by the student. Students are eligible to apply for and hold any available travel grants
How to apply:
Students interested in the GEMS programme should send the following documents to Prof. Alice Kong at email:
- A letter of application (limited to 2 pages) specifying:
- preferred unit of attachment and;
- preference for community engagement or clinical research project - A curriculum vitae
- 3 reference letters (2 from academic referees and 1 from a non-academic referee) and referee contact details
Application Deadline:
- Applications must be received on or before (mid-night HK time) 15 January 2020
- Successful applicants will be informed by email on or before 31 January 2020
Once selected students are confirmed, St Vincent’s Clinical School will make contact with CUHK and the nominated student to assist with completing the onboard requirements for the program. Onboarding requirements will include completion of the following:
- Police Check (issued within 12 months of Electives)
- Letter of Good Standing from CUHK
- Home Institution Form
- Details of Public Liability, Professional/Medical Indemnity Insurance and Personal/Accident Insurance
- Melbourne Medical Declaration Form
- Emergency contact details
- Accommodation application at the Residence, if required
First GEMS scholars Sabrina Chia and Stefanie Law of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in attachment under Prof Alicia Jenkins of University of Sydney.
First GEMS scholars Sabrina Chia and Stefanie Law of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

First GEMS scholars of CU Medicine in attachment under Prof Alicia Jenkins of University of Sydney

Prof. Alice Pik Shan Kong
Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics,
CUHK, Hong Kong (Chief Investigator from CUHK)

Prof. Alicia Jenkins
Professor, Diabetes and Vascular Medicine, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre,
University of Sydney, Australia (Chief investigator from The University of Sydney)
Board: in addition to the Directors:

Prof. Vincent Mok
Professor, Head of Division of Neurology,
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK, Hong Kong

Prof. Simon Ng
Professor, Division of Colorectal surgery,
Department of Surgery, CUHK, Hong Kong

Associate Prof. Justin Tse
Clinical Dean / Director of Medical Education,
St Vincent’s Clinical School, Dept of Medical Education,
Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne

Dr. Tiffany Yau
Specialist in Endocrinology,
Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. Francis Ka Leung Chan
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, Hong Kong
Special Considerations:
- For interested students with financial difficulties who aspire to join the GEMS program, please contact Ms. Sally Ng at email: for information related to Faculty Scholarship(s) to support medical students’ overseas elective attachment