GPS Student’s Research in Cardiology Recently Published in Leading Physiology Journal

Sharen Lee presented her findings of Brugada Syndrome at the 12th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session in Thailand.
LEE Sharen explored the use of electrocardiographic markers in the risk stratification of Brugada Syndrome, and produced a number of publications on the research project. She was the first author of the publications “Temporal variability in electrocardiographic indices in subjects with Brugada patterns” and “Outcomes in Brugada Syndrome patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: insights from the SGLT2 registry”, which were both published on Frontiers in Physiology in 2020. For the latter study, she was offered the opportunity to present the findings as an oral poster at the 12th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session in October 2019.
Sharen’s passion in cardiology was inspired by her family history of Brugada Syndrome and other congenital cardiovascular diseases. Under the supportive guidance of her mentors, she was able to pursuit her research interest and explore the application of big data analysis into clinical research. Currently, she has more than ten publications and is a member of the International Society of Electrocardiology - Youth Community. In the future, Sharen aspires to become a clinician-scientist to improve the risk stratification and management approach in cardiovascular diseases.