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Applicants who apply via JUPAS using the results of HKDSE


MBChB CUHK MedicineMedicine (MBChB) Programme (JS4501)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) (JS4501)


Apart from the 4 core subjects, students should take at least 2 electives (with one being either Biology OR Chemistry) offered in the HKDSE. Taking a third elective is strongly recommended as we use the total score of all subjects (4 cores + 2 or 3 electives) to rank students. Minimum admission requirements for entry are as follows:


Core Subject(s)Minimum Level
Chinese Language3
English Language4
Liberal Studies3
Mathematics Compulsory Part3
Elective Subject(s)Minimum Level
Any 1 subject3
Any 1 subject3

Note: Taking both Chemistry and Biology is preferred.


The conversion of HKDSE examination grades to our admission scores is as follows: 5**=7, 5*=6, 5=5, 4=4, 3=3.


Based on the previous results, we expect that students should achieve a total HKDSE score of around 40 or higher for entry into our medicine programme.


The extended Mathematics module (M1/M2) will not be counted as one of the elective subjects, but it would contribute to the total HKDSE score if its attained level is higher than that of the worst one of the seven subjects (4 core subjects + the best 3 elective subjects). In that case, the score for the worst subject is replaced by a new score comprising half the original score of that subject and half the score of the extended mathematics module. The calculation will be:  (M1/M2 + lowest level obtained in the 7 subjects) ÷ 2.


Based on students’ School Reference Index, students who have put MBChB and/or GPS as one of Band A choices will be shortlisted for early interviews in May/June. After the release of HKDSE results in late July, students achieving high total HKDSE score (e.g. ≥ 40) and have not been interviewed before will be selected for interview in August.


gps cuhk medicine

Global Physician - Leadership Stream (GPS) (JS4502)

The GPS aims to develop physician leaders by providing extra opportunities for international exposure, research, humanitarian work, social service, medical administration, leadership training, as well as optional graduate studies (Masters and Doctorate degrees) in a streamlined, supervised and tailor-made manner. The minimum admission criteria to GPS:


Total score ≥ 46 and any 5** in 4 subjects with good interview performance. 


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Direct Year 2 CUHK Medicine

Direct Entry to Year 2 (DY2)

The personalised medicine curriculum allows students to choose their own study path to match their interests, passions or career goals and with greater flexibility and autonomy.


In CU Medicine, high-achieving students with a total HKDSE score of 44 or above, with 5* or above in English, Biology and Chemistry may be exempted from some courses of Faculty package, and students with these exemptions may be offered an option for direct entry into Year 2 of the medicine programme as well as an intercalated supervised enrichment year.


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