Spearhead the marketing revolution

The MSc in Marketing is the first of its kind in the region which incorporates tradition and technology, intuition and analytics, local ideas and a global vision. Our well-designed curriculum provides the in-depth knowledge and first-hand experience you need to thrive in an internet-driven economy. Guided by a mission to reinvent the art of marketing, this pioneering programme equips aspiring marketing experts with skills to win in the age of the empowered consumer.

Real industry experience

You will learn to apply advanced analytical techniques for effective decision-making, and gain experience in designing and executing marketing campaigns, both locally and internationally. You will also work on real marketing projects with prominent companies in Hong Kong.

Two marketing concentrations

You can specialise in Managerial Marketing, which focuses on branding, advertising and PR, and multinational campaigns, or Big Data Marketing. This trains you in the science and engineering of digital and database marketing, so you can learn to harness the power of big data for competitive advantage.

See curriculum

Key Facts

Full-time: 1 year

Programme commencement

Entry requirements
A bachelor’s degree with at least second-class honours or a grade B from a recognised university.

Application is now OPEN!

Learn in an innovative environment

World-class educators and professionals

Our faculty members are recognised as top scholars and educators in the industry, many of whom are MBA professors and have more than 10 years of teaching experiences. We also invite thought leaders and industry experts from renowned organisations as guest lecturers.

Holistic development

We offer a variety of self-discovery and character-building activities designed to develop your soft skills. Equipped with teamwork, negotiation and leadership skills, you can successfully manage marketing campaigns in a wide range of companies and cultures.

Is this programme for me?

We welcome students from a variety of academic backgrounds, based on ability and motivation. We offer a course in basic marketing management before the programme begins to ensure you are fully prepared. By combining Western theories with Asian business practices, we develop marketing professionals who shape the future of the industry with a truly global mindset.

Get to know our alumni


“I have learnt the gist of marketing and experienced lots of unforgettable events in this programme. With the guidance of great professors and wise practitioners, I was able to gain the analytical skills and form my strategic mindset, which help a lot in my career as a marketer. Besides, the substantial courses enhanced my multi-tasking skill, the group work improved my teamwork spirit and creative thinking.”


See alumni

Francis Yip

MSc in Marketing 2019

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