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Faculty of Engineering

Scholarships for JUPAS Students Admitted on the Basis of HKDSE Results (2022 Entry)

Undergraduate Programme Amount of Each Award Minimum Requirement(s)
All study programmes offered by the Faculty of Engineering Ranging from half-tuition amount (one-off) plus cash award from HK$30,000 (one-off) to HK$56,000 (renewable) Total score of 30 based on the best 5 HKDSE subjects #
(in a single sitting of the admission year)

# Mathematics Extended Module 1 or 2 is counted as one subject
Biomedical Engineering Non-fixed (renewable) The award will be decided on a case-by-case basis with reference to students’ outstanding entrance results, interview performance, academic and non-academic achievements and other relevant information.
Computational Data Science

(Jointly offered by Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science)
Up to HK$4,000 (one-off) All students admitted to this study programme but have not been awarded any Engineering Faculty Admission Scholarships or University Admission Scholarship
Electronic Engineering HK$10,000 (one-off)
HK$20,000 (one-off)
Achieved 5* in at least one STEM subject in HKDSE

(STEM subjects: Mathematics (Compulsory Part), Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information and Communication Technology, Combined Science and Integrated Science)


  1. Conversion of levels to scores: 5** = 7, 5* = 6, 5 = 5, 4= 4, 3 =3, 2 = 2
  2. No application is required. The programmes will identify the suitable students for the awards.
  3. Scholarships will be awarded to all the JUPAS students admitted to the above Faculty/ programme who have attained the required HKDSE results if it is the only criterion.