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Non-JUPAS (Year 1 Admissions)

Important Dates

2022 Admissions Exercise

17 Nov 2021

Deadline for submission of Advance Offer applications

6 Jan 2022

Regular deadline for submission of applications (1)

By Mid Jan 2022

Notifications to successful applicants with Advance Offers (2)

31 May 2022

Extended deadline for submission of applications (1)

Feb-Jul 2022

Notifications to successful applicants in regular round (2)

Aug 2022

Notifications to successful applicants in clearing round (2)

Aug-Sep 2022

Registration and course selection for new students

Early Sep 2022

1st teaching term commences

(1) Only one application is required for admission purposes. Those who have submitted their applications are not required to submit a separate application for subsequent selection round(s).
(2) Successful applicants should pay the first installment of composition fees of HK$5,000 and complete offer acceptance procedures by a specified date; otherwise the admission offer will become null and void.