Xie, Huihua(謝慧華)

BA (SUFE); Ph.D. (NUS)

Adjunct Assistant Professor


Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics

Room 901, 9/F
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

+852 3943 7813



Huihua Xie is currently an Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Shenzhen. She received her Ph.D. degree in Economics from the National University of Singapore. Dr. Xie’s research interests include labor economics, health economics, public economics, and applied microeconometrics.

Research Interests

Labour Economics
Health Economics
Public Economics
Applied Microeconometrics

  • Publications & Working Papers
    • Housing Wealth and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design (with Han Li, Jiangyi Li and Yi Lu), Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming
    • The Average and Distributional Effects of Teenage Adversity on Long-Term Health (with Jie Gong, Yi Lu), Journal of Health Economics, forthcoming
    • Long-Term Impact of Trade Liberalization on Human Capital Formation (with Jie Li, Yi Lu, and Hong Song), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 47(4), pp. 946-961, September 2019
    • Telecommunications Externality on Migration: Evidence from Chinese Villages (with Yi Lu, Colin Xu), China Economic Review, Vol. 39, pp. 77-90, July 2016
    • Pay for Performance Scheme and Labor Productivity: Evidence from a Kinked Payment in China (with Xiqian Cai, Hong Song , Yi Lu and Wei Jiang), under review
    • Language Proficiency and Labor Market Performance (with Yi Lu) , under review
    • Does Housing Wealth Affect Child Development: Evidence and Mechanisms (with Han Li, Jiangyi Li and Yi Lu) , under review
    • Education and Mental Health: Evidence and Mechanisms (with Wei Jiang, Yi Lu) , under review
    • Adolescent Environment and Noncognitive Skills (with Jie Gong, Yi Lu) , under review
    • The Causal Effect of Schooling on Labor Market Outcomes in China (with Kamhom Kan, Yi Lu), 2019
    • Sibling Effects on Employment and Occupational Outcomes, 2019
    • Education and Noncognitive Skills (with Jie Chen, Yi Lu) , 2018