

我們的本科課程匯集了來自香港、中國大陸、亞洲和世界各地的學生,通過批判性探究和互動討論、理性辯論及案例分析進行教學。我們的本科課程亦接待來自斯坦福大學 Bing Overseas Programme的學生以及其他國際交換生,通過開放的視野和廣泛的視角加深對中國研究的理解。





    • 受益於關於中國的英語互動教學和跨學科學習
    • 培養專業所需的國際水平的中英文溝通能力
    • 與來自各學術領域的中國研究學者專家以及來自世界各地的學生交流學習
    • 充分利用身處香港、臨近深圳的地理優勢,通過實習、實地考察、社會實踐等進行沉浸式學習
    • 通過研究、實習或輔修他系課程,結合中國研究的專業知識來發展多學科交叉領域

PARK So Hyun

BA graduate from Korea,
Credit Analyst

“My favorite aspect of CCS program was diversity. Compare to other majors, we don’t learn ONE thing. we learn different aspects of China, e.g. culture, politics, language, business etc.” 

PARK So Hyun

BA graduate from Korea,
Credit Analyst

“My favorite aspect of CCS program was diversity. Compare to other majors, we don’t learn ONE thing. we learn different aspects of China, e.g. culture, politics, language, business etc.” 

HUSSAIN Farhan Syed

BA graduate

Studying this programme at CUHK helped me to have a comprehensive understanding of China in various aspects, and to interact with people from around the globe.

HUSSAIN Farhan Syed

BA graduate

Studying this programme at CUHK helped me to have a comprehensive understanding of China in various aspects, and to interact with people from around the globe.

Dayoung LEE

BA graduate from Korea,
Financial Analyst

“There were a lot of tough courses, but overall the experience was excellent. The most notable experience being in Chinese Studies was when a professor sparked a research interest during a fieldwork project in rural China. It was only supposed to be for graduate students, but I asked him and he was very welcoming and said ‘You can join us.’”

Dayoung LEE

BA graduate from Korea,
Financial Analyst

“There were a lot of tough courses, but overall the experience was excellent. The most notable experience being in Chinese Studies was when a professor sparked a research interest during a fieldwork project in rural China. It was only supposed to be for graduate students, but I asked him and he was very welcoming and said ‘You can join us.’”

Matthew DIXON

BA student from U.K.

“I saw it as an opportunity to do something a bit outside the box compared to the traditional path of studying in Europe.”

Matthew DIXON

BA student from U.K.

“I saw it as an opportunity to do something a bit outside the box compared to the traditional path of studying in Europe.”

LI Wei

BA graduate from China,
Pursuing MA

“Critical thinking is highly valued here. CCS professors don’t transfer knowledge; they teach you to make discoveries by yourself, and then they guide you to critique what you discovered.”

LI Wei

BA graduate from China,
Pursuing MA

“Critical thinking is highly valued here. CCS professors don’t transfer knowledge; they teach you to make discoveries by yourself, and then they guide you to critique what you discovered.”

Tunningley JAMES

BA graduate from U.K.,
Pursuing Postgraduate study

“CUHK acts as a microcosm for Hong Kong itself. The hustle and bustle of it is great, as is the mellow tranquility of the mountains here. I love the paradox. It’s also really friendly, and you can network very easily.”

Tunningley JAMES

BA graduate from U.K.,
Pursuing Postgraduate study

“CUHK acts as a microcosm for Hong Kong itself. The hustle and bustle of it is great, as is the mellow tranquility of the mountains here. I love the paradox. It’s also really friendly, and you can network very easily.”