Course Code
Course Name
Perspectives on Chinese Studies
Fridays 10:30 – 13:15
Prof. Tim Summers
Teaching Assistant
Mavis Siu
Wu Ka Wai
Huang Xiaotong
Course Description
This is a required course for all students on the MA in Chinese Studies in 2022-23. It has three aims:
(i) To enhance students’ academic literacy and develop writing and research skills required to
complete the MA in Chinese Studies (reading, writing, citation and academic ethics).
(ii) To provide a brief introduction to China Studies today.
(iii) To allow students to explore different themes in China Studies to complement other elective
courses taken as part of the MA programme.
Course Outline
Learning activities
The course will be split into four consecutive modules, each lasting 3 weeks. Classes in Weeks 1-6 & 13
Module 1
Week 1: Introduction.
Weeks 2 & 3: Academic literacy – for all students, partially in workshop format, led
by Tim Summers and Teaching Assistants, to include training in library and research ethics.
Materials posted on Blackboard.
Module 2
Weeks 4-6: Introduction to China Studies – lectures & tutorial discussion for
all students, led by Tim Summers and Teaching Assistants (see below for outline).
Modules 3 & 4
Weeks 7-9 and 10-12: Students will each choose two elective modules from those listed below.
Maximum enrolment of 30 students for any one module. Timing will vary for elective modules to
ensure no clashes.
Week 13: Concluding lecture, all students.
Assessment & Assignments
Assessment will be based on one assignment for each module worth 25% of the overall grade for the course
(there will be no final assignment or exam for the course).
1. Assignment 1 (Academic literacy): academic literacy exercises (15%); CUHK research ethics training (10%).
2. Assignment 2 (China Studies module): a review essay of at least 2,500 words on recent academic literature in China studies, either based on the required readings for this module or on a topic chosen by the student.
3. Assignment set by module leader.
4. Assignment set by module leader.
Honesty in Academic Work
Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary
guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at With each assignment, students will be required to submit
a signed Veriguide declaration that they are aware of the policies, regulations and procedures.