To: Full-time Undergraduate Students
Re: Reading Week (1 April - 9 April 2022)*
Please be reminded that the Reading Week# in 2nd term of 2021-22 is scheduled from 1 April to 9 April 2022. NO undergraduate classes (for all teaching modes) under the full-time undergraduate teaching timetable (course codes with digit beginning with 1-4, e.g. ACCT1xxxx, ENGG4xxx) are to be held in the Reading Week. However, course teachers and departments may arrange other learning activities during the Reading Week. Students should refer to the announcement of departments and course teachers, if any, for such activities. Students may also make use of the Reading Week to consolidate their learning or concentrate on their research or projects.
For any students who register in postgraduate courses (course codes with digit beginning with 5 and above, e.g. CSCI5xxxx, CHEM6xxx), please note that classes of postgraduate programmes will still continue during the Reading Week.
*5 April is public holiday
#Reading Week is not applicable to classes of MBChB Programme
With best regards,
Registration and Examinations Section
24 March 2022