The 5th International Conference on Organometallics and Catalysis
(OM&Cat-5) was originally scheduled to be held during June 7-10, 2020 on
the campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This biennial conference
builds on the success of the previous four meetings held in different cities
(Beijing, Nara, Seoul, and Taipei). OM&Cat-5 has been postponed to June
2022 due to the outbreak of COVID-19. In view of the current development of the
pandemic, we decided to organize a virtual conference for OM&CAT-5 with
free registration during the originally proposed duration June 12(Sun)-15(Wed), 2022.
This conference will provide an international forum for
presentation and discussion, among both professionals and students alike, of
new findings in all aspects of organometallics and catalysis, which will
immensely benefit all researchers whose research interests touch upon an area
related to OM & Cat. The conference undertakes to widen and strengthen
interactions/collaborative research among researchers worldwide.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at virtual conference of
Conference website: http://omandcat-5.org
Registration link: http://omandcat-5.org/registration
Enquiry (email): omandcat-5@cuhk.edu.hk