Group photo

Group Photo, taken in Nov. 2020.

Group Photo, taken in Jan. 2021.
Chan Yuk Po, Bowie (陳玉葆)
MPhil 2020.08 -
rupture dynamics
Xinru Mu(慕鑫茹)
Visiting Student 2021.09 -
structure imaging
Chunyu Liu (刘春禹)
Postdoc 2020.8 -
crustal structure
Jia Zhang (张佳)
Postdoc 2021.8 -
crustal structure
Jiewen Zhang (张介文)
Postdoc 2021.8 -
earthquake source physics
Xiang Chen (陈翔)
PhD 2016.08-2021.09
now Postdoc at GFZ
Pengcheng Zhou (周鹏程)
PhD 2016.08-2020.10
now research assistant at South China Sea Intitute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou
PhD 2016.08-2020.08
now research professor at institute of oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science
Martin Bing Hun Lee(李慶彬)
MPhil 2016.08-2019.08
now PhD student at Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bing He (何冰)
MPhil 2015.08-2017.07
now PhD student at University of Rhode Island
now associate research fellow at Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan
Xiaohuan Jiang (姜小欢)
now lecturer at Wuhan Polytechnic University
Jiangyang Zhang (张江阳)
ow research assistant at South China Sea Intitute of Oceanology
Huihui Weng (翁辉辉)
now Postdoc at University of Nice
Fan Zhang (张帆)
now Research Professor at South China Sea Intitute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou