List of Lectures
May 9 (Sat.)
Contemporary Chemistry Lectures for Secondary School Teachers 2015:
Antibiotics and Superbugs
Prof. Jiang Xia
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Air Pollution: Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases
Prof. Hung Kay Lee
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
April 18 & 25 (Sat.)
Lectures on Modern Chemistry 2015:
April 18 (Sat.)
Alzheimer’s Disease: What Chemists Can Do?
Prof. Ricky M. S. Wong
Hong Kong Baptist University
Inspiration: Seeing the Obvious and Making Connections
Prof. Patrick H. Toy
University of Hong Kong
April 25 (Sat.)
Encountering Daily Life Hazard: The Plasticizer (DEHP)
Prof. Michael F. Y. Kwong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Chemistry Behind Trans Fat and MSG
Prof. Qian Miao
The Chinese University of Hong Kong