
Organizer: chi Co-organizer: clrc Sponsors: arts NA CU LSHK 中文

The 20th International Conference on Yue Dialects will be held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong on December 11-12, 2015. The theme of the Conference is on "Comparative Grammar", with a special focus on the properties of Cantonese grammar under formal approaches, diachronic grammar, and interface studies. We cordially invite abstracts for submission on all aspects of linguistics of Cantonese and other Yue dialects, preferably associated with the theme.  


Department of Chinese Language and Literature
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Institute of Chinese Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Faculty of Arts
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

New Asia College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

United College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong