Funding Schemes administered by AQS
Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant

The Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) is allocated by the University Grants Committee (UGC) to all UGC-funded Universities to enhance teaching quality and language proficiency of students. More details of projects conducted by the University can be found in the University’s TDLEG website.

Special Funding Scheme for
Online Learning

The Special Funding Scheme for Online Learning was approved by the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning to provide timely support to online teaching in Term 2 of 2019-20.

Funding Scheme for Virtual Teaching and Learning

With the allocation of a one-off Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning (VTL) by the University Grants Committee, this funding scheme is established to engage teachers, departments and faculties to further develop and explore VTL.

Grant Scheme for Internationalization of Curriculum

In alignment with the University’s strategic development directions of internationalization, a “Conceptual Framework on Internationalization of Curriculum” was developed in 2016 to facilitate internationalization of curriculum (IoC) at programme level.  A Grant Scheme for Internationalization of Curriculum has been set up to support the development of collaborative courses with non-local partners; and/or activities that facilitate IoC. 

Special Funding Scheme to Enhance Student Engagement and Address Student Learning Needs

The Special Funding Scheme to Enhance Student Engagement and Address Student Learning Needs was approved by the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning to better engage students in learning and address student learning needs for quality teaching and learning. 

Funding Scheme for Development of the
Credit-bearing Service Learning Programme

The Funding Scheme for Development of the Credit-bearing Service Learning Programme (CSLP) is established with the specific purpose to encourage units to develop formal courses or other non-formal campus service opportunities for implementation of the CSLP, and models or framework in support of the long-term development of CSLP.

Funding Scheme for Engaging Postgraduate Students in Teaching and Teaching Development

The Funding Scheme for Engaging Postgraduate Students in Teaching and Teaching Development is established to support the implementation of the strategic goal of the University in further engaging postgraduate students in teaching and teaching development.