The University has implemented criterion-referenced assessment (CRA) to align with the Outcomes-Based Approach to teaching and learning (OBA) since 2017/2018. This shift from the traditional norm-referenced approach has created challenges and concerns for both teachers and students.
With the support of TDLEG, CLEAR completed a 1-year-3-month project on providing support to both teachers and students on CRA. These support measures included talks, presentations, workshops and individual consultations on CRA. In addition, a student survey and presentations on CRA for students were also conducted.
Due to the short duration of the project, support could only focus on a general introduction on what CRA entails, the alignment between CRA and OBA and use of assessment rubrics together with discussions on revised assessment practices. There is not much hands-on coverage on (1) developing and using assessment rubrics which are task specific and which facilitate constructive feedback for students; (2) how assessment aligns with intended learning outcomes both at programme and course levels; (3) alternative assessment tools and practices, e.g. peer assessment, portfolio as an assessment task, collaborative construction of rubrics, etc.; and (4) general assessment literacy. These remain areas for enhancement.
Against this background, the project, which is a continuing project on support measures for CRA, is proposed with the following objectives:
- Identify the challenges, concerns and issues teachers have met in the implementation of criterion-referenced assessment;
- Enhance the assessment literacy of teachers with a focus on developing task specific assessment rubrics and grade descriptors which facilitate constructive feedback;
- Introduce alternative assessment tools and practices; and
- Enrich the online resources on assessment.
It is intended teachers will be ready to develop valid and usable assessment rubrics and open to alternative assessment tools and practices.