Publications: Renditions |
No. 90

(Autumn 2018)
Renditions no. 90 is a general issue featuring a selection of writings from different periods of Chinese history. We begin with excerpts from Meng Jiao's 孟郊 set of poems 'Grief in the Gorges' 峽哀 and three ci poems by Li Qingzhao 李清照. Other highlights comprise Cai Yuanpei's 蔡元培 political allegory 'New Year's Dream' 新年夢, and 'Water and Clouds' 水雲, a long and rather baroque essay by Shen Congwen 沈從文 showing sides of that important author we do not often see. Finally, we offer three stories from contemporary China: Qiao Ye's 喬葉 'Golden Period' 黃金時間, with the focus on the marriage of urban middle-class, Xie Hong's 謝宏 'Who Flies in April?' 誰在四月飛翔, which captures the sad aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, and 'Belle and Grace' 沉魚落雁, a piece by Li Yanfeng 李延風 that offers an upbeat view of life in today's China.
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No. 89

(Spring 2018)
Renditions no. 89 is a general issue with a special section devoted to Bo Shaojun’s 薄少君 One Hundred Poems Lamenting My Husband 哭夫詩百首 translated by Wilt L. Idema. Other features comprise Feng Zikai’s 豐子愷 complex meditation on the meaning and function of time, ‘The Gradual’ 漸, followed by one of Lao She’s 老舍 more significant short stories, ‘A New Hamlet’ 新韓穆烈德, together with Lin Wenyue’s 林文月 reminiscence of her childhood in the Japanese-controlled section of Shanghai, ‘Memories of Jiangwan Road’ 江灣路憶往. The issue concludes with two stories that are part of post-1979 ‘new era’ fiction, including G. K. Yuan’s ‘The Martyr’ 被遺忘的烈士 and Xie Hong’s 謝宏 ‘Drifters’ 自游人.
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Nos. 87&88

(Spring & Autumn 2017)
Renditions nos. 87 & 88 is entirely devoted to translations of and introductions to works of fiction produced in urban China in the years between 1916 and 1949. In spite of the conspicuous popularity of this work, its variety, and its innovativeness, it was denied appropriate recognition in its own time by the elites that set the tone for what was considered to be proper literature. This negligence has only become worse in the years since 1949, as the work has received very little attention in the critical discourse on modern literature that has flourished in an expanding Chinese academy, particularly in the years since 1980. We hope that by presenting a sampling of the rich variety of fiction from the Republican period, we can make a small contribution to remedying this historical injustice.
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No. 86

(Autumn 2016)
Renditions no. 86 features translations of a provocative group of Chinese works, specially featuring the striking, not to mention quite controversial, celebrated poetic prodigy Hai Zi’s 海子 long drama, Sun: Regicide 太陽:弒. Other features comprise Chun Mei and Lane J. Harris’s fine rendering of selections from the novel Illustrious Heroes, A Sequel 續英烈傳, ten poems by Xu Zhimo 徐志摩, as wonderfully translated by Mary M. Y. Fung and David Lunde, and Wang Anyi’s 王安憶 ‘Love Talk at the Hairdresser’s’ 髮廊情話, vigorously co-translated by Hui L. Glennie and John R. Glennie.
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No. 85
(Spring 2016)
Renditions no. 85 is devoted to narratives covering a wide scope of Chinese history. We begin with chapter five from Feng Menglong’s 馮夢龍 seventeenth-century historical novel, Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms. Other features comprise the official biographies of the first six empresses of the Ming Dynasty as recorded in the Mingshi 明史 [History of the Ming dynasty], as written by the historiographers in the Qing dynasty that followed, another excerpt from Chi Pang-yuan’s 齊邦媛 The Great Flowing River, ‘In Ninety-nine Degrees of Heat’ by Lin Huiyin 林徽因, ‘The Innermost Rebellion’ by Xiu Bai 修白, and ‘Fish of the People’ by Su Tong 蘇童.
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No. 84
(Autumn 2015)
Renditions no. 84 is a general issue with a special section devoted to the first two chapters of Chi Pang-yuan’s 齊邦媛epic autobiography, The Great Flowing River, as expertly translated by John Balcom. Other features comprise one more chapter of Erik Honobe’s fine rendering of Feng Menglong’s 馮夢龍 seventeenth-century historical novel, Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms, together with excellent translations of two of the finest poets now writing in Chinese, Yu Jian 于堅and Yang Mu 楊牧 (pen name of Wang Ching-hsien 王靖獻), from mainland China and Taiwan respectively.
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No. 83
(Spring 2015)
Renditions no. 83 is a general issue with a special section on Feng Menglong’s 馮夢龍 Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms 東周列國志. Other features comprise ‘The Xishan Treatise on the Aesthetics of Qin Music’ 谿山琴況 by Xu Shangying 徐上瀛, seven poems of the Qing-dynasty poet Luo Qilan 駱綺蘭, and ‘The Biography of Zhang Tang, from The Book of Han' 漢書‧張湯傳 by Ban Gu 班固.
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Nos. 81 & 82
(Spring and Autumn 2014)
Renditions nos. 81 & 82 is a double issue guest-edited by Stephen H. West and Xiaoqiao Ling, devoted to Chinese fiction from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Traditional commentaries are included and presented in a format as close to the Chinese original text as possible. These commentaries contain unique critical insights into the works they treat, and enable new ways of reading premodern Chinese fiction. During much of the last century editors were reluctant to include commentaries in modern editions, but in recent years this work has become much more widely available, with only English translations lagging behind. This special edition of Renditions is meant to move toward closing that gap.
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