The Department of Anthropology has established the Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies (CCHS). The development of cultural heritage studies has become increasingly important at international, regional, national and local levels, as the larger society becomes more aware of the importance of preserving its cultural heritage. There is also an increasing demand on campus for systematic training in cultural heritage studies. CCHS will contribute to the integration of interdisciplinary research and further development of heritage studies on campus, and will establish CUHK as a leader in this developing field. CCHS also aims at providing a platform for a systematic and holistic approach to cultural heritage studies; to encourage more academic research and exchange in the area, as well as to promote public understanding of the significance of cultural heritage.
In recent years, both Hong Kong SAR and the Mainland have emphasized and promoted the understanding of preserving cultural heritage. Although there are no designated World Heritage sites in Hong Kong, the role of local cultural heritage in the community should not be ignored. The CUHK is committed to preserving and promoting Chinese culture and has long had research projects as well as taught courses on Chinese culture heritage studies. However a systematic and holistic approach to discussion about tangible and intangible heritage is lacking. Thus, we propose that a Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies should be set up to further promote related academic research and teaching as well as to study the management, policy formulation and development of cultural heritage preservation in China and the rest of Asia.
近年來,香港和大陸都在強調和推廣保護文化遺產的意識。香港雖然沒有世界級的文化遺產,但我們絕對不能忽視地區文化遺產保護在社會中扮演的角色。香港中文大學向以保存中國文化為己任,中國文化遺產研究專案及有關課程亦已於校內發展多年。但是,我們仍然欠缺對實體和非實體的文化遺產作出全面、系統的討論;成立本中心,即是向這個方向邁出的第一步。本中心除進一步推廣相關學術研究及課程外,亦旨在深入探討中國以至亞洲的文化遺產保育和保存所面對的管理、政策制定和發展等問題。 |