Workshops, Seminars and Events
Supporting Students with Special Education Needs (SENs) in University Campus and Classroom

Event Poster

Date: 2 September 2022, Friday

Time: 14:30 – 17:30

Venue: UG06, Sino Building

Speakers: Sessions

Prof. Kevin Chan
Associate Professor,
Head of Department of Psychology

Prof. Ricky Tso
Assistant Professor,
Department of Psychology,
The Education University of Hong Kong

Session 1: Supporting College Students with SEN (with an emphasis on ASD*, ADHD** and SpLD***)

  • Identification of students with learning needs
          In-class and post-class support for students with ASD, ADHD and SpLD
  • Note: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)*, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)** and Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)***

    This session aims at examining the learning experience of mature students with neurodevelopmental disorders (ASD, ADHD and SpLD). This seminar explores the identification of college students with learning needs, as well as the benefit and role of a professional psychoeducational assessment in promoting the learning experiences of the students. This workshop discusses some practical guidelines for support and advancing equal learning opportunities for students with neurodevelopmental disorders in tertiary education institutions, in order to create an inclusive learning and teaching environment.

    Prof. Gary Lam
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Educational Psychology
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Session 2: Applying Universal Design (UD) in Instruction and Learning for Learners with SEN
  • Basic principles of UD
  • Universal teaching strategies in design and learning for adults with SEN(s)

  • University campus and classroom are faced with increasing diversity of the student population. Despite having the academic abilities and aptitudes for university programs, students with Special Education Needs (SEN) are often challenged by the way they can access appropriate learning environment and engage with the academic materials meaningfully. University Design (UD) as applied in education is a framework that can help instructors design curriculum and adopt instructional strategies with built-in features that cater for the needs of not only SEN students, but all students. We will review the basic principles of UD and discuss practical strategies instructors can use to design courses and prepare teaching materials that can be effective for all kinds of students.

    Ms. Wu Wing Yee
    Ms. Yu Hoi Kei

    Session 3: Students Sharing and Case discussions
  • Students sharing (In perspective of SEN students and peer support)
  • Simulated cases discussion

  • Language: English

    Target groups: Academic staff and Administrative staff in CUHK

    Registration: https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/event?id=62656

    About the speakers:

    • Prof. Gary Lam is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Psychology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research is focused on better understanding and promoting well-being across the life span among individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. He is a registered Educational Psychologist in Hong Kong and a Licensed Psychologist in the United States who has extensive clinical experience working with children, young adults, and their families and teachers in school and community settings.

    • Prof. Kevin Chan is an Associate Professor and the Head of Department of Psychology at The Education University of Hong Kong. He is a psychologist researching the stigma and recovery of mental disorders. He is keen in using research to inform mental health education and mental health promotion. In view of the globally widespread stigma of mental disorders, he proposes anti-stigma initiatives to promote social inclusion. His work facilitates the community integration and holistic recovery of people with mental disorders.

    • Prof. Ricky Tso is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology, The Education University of Hong Kong. Trained as a professional educational psychologist, Prof. Ricky Tso’s research aims at revealing the neuro-cognitive mechanisms of learning and applying his research findings into practice. He has a particular interest in research related, but not limited, to literacy and language development, developmental dyslexia, and special education. He utilizes a variety of research methods in my studies including behavioural, cognitive, and electrophysiological techniques.

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