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General Information

Business Unit

Welcome to Business Unit of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
We hope you would find the following information about Business Unit helpful.

This Homepage is still under constant development. To make it a Homepage for you, your comments are essential to its success!

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Performance Pledge

Vet Expenditure Application
Average 2 working days in Business Unit
Issue Purchase Orders
Average 1 working day in Business Unit
Dispatch Request for Quotation (RFQ) Average 2 working days upon receipt of documents from the user
Dispatch Tender Invitation Average 2 working days upon receipt of tender documents from the user

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Office Address

Business Unit
1/F Sui-Loong Pao Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong


Telephone: (852) 3943-7883
Facsimile: (852) 2603-6480

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