Research Café on Gender and Work (13 Nov 2020)

Date & Time
2020/10/30 to 2020/11/13

Short talk by academic staff
Presentations on research across disciplines
Exchange ideas among postgraduates
Enhancing presentation skills from feedback…

The 16th Research Café organized by the Library will be held on 13 Nov. The theme is Gender and Work. The Café is consist of a short talk on “Gender and Sexual Diversity in the Workplace: Why Does It Matter to Support LGBT+ People at Work?” by Prof. Yiu-tung SUEN, Founding Director of the Sexualities Research Programme and Graduate Division Head of the Gender Studies Programme, and two presentations on research by Ph.D. student Lulu LI and Ph.D. candidate Lin TANG of the Gender Studies Programme. Dr. Karl Holm of The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) will provide feedback on student presentation skills. We are very honoured that Prof. ZHONG Hua Sara, Director of the Gender Studies Programme and Associate Professor of the Dept. of Sociology has helped organize this Café. CUHK postgraduates, academics and researchers are all welcome to attend!

Date: 13 Nov 2020 (Fri)
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Venue: online via Zoom
Language: English

I. Short Talk: Gender and Sexual Diversity in the Workplace: Why Does It Matter to Support LGBT+ People at Work?
  Speaker: Prof. Yiu-tung SUEN
      Assistant Professor and Graduate Division Head, Gender Studies Programme
      Founding Director, Sexualities Research Programme
      Associate Director, Gender Research Centre

II. Presentations

  • Time Poverty: An Analysis of Chinese Young Female Entrepreneurs *
    By Lulu LI, Ph.D. Student in Gender Studies
    * Second Author of Presentation: Prof. Jing SONG, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies Programme  
  • E-mpowerment or E-xploitation? Motivations, Resources, and Family-Work Dynamics in Women’s Online Entrepreneurship **
    By Lin TANG, Ph.D. Candidate in Gender Studies
    ** Second Author of Presentation: Prof. Jing SONG, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies Programme

  Moderator: Prof. Yiu-tung SUEN 
  Feedback on Presentation Skills: Dr. Karl Holm, Lecturer, The Independent Learning Centre


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