Students |
Name:Zhang Jie
Post:Full-time Ph.D (3-years)
Enrolled: August 2013- 2016
Origin: Mainland China
First Degree: Bachelor of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences
Master Degree:Zhengzhou University
Supervisor:Prof. Lester Cricthley
ZHANG, J., CRITCHLEY, L. A. H. & HUANG, L. 2015. Five algorithms that calculate cardiac output from the arterial waveform: a comparison with Doppler ultrasound. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 115, 392-402.
ZHANG, J., CRITCHLEY, L. A. H. & HUANG, L. 2015. The effect of aorta unfolding and remodelling on oesophageal Doppler readings as probe depth is varied. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 115, 708-715.
ZHANG, J. & CRITCHLEY, L. A. H. 2016. Inferior vena cava ultrasonography prior to general anesthesia can predict hypotension after induction. Anesthesiology, 124, 580-589. (Accompanied by editorial)
ZHANG, J., CRITCHLEY, L. A. H., LEE, D.C.W., KHAW, K.S. & LEE, S.W.Y. 2016. The effect of head up tilt on bioreactance cardiac output and stroke volume readings using suprasternal transcutaneous Doppler as a control in healthy young adults. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. Published online, doi:10.1007/s10877-016-9835-7.
CRITCHLEY, L. A., HUANG, L. & ZHANG, J. 2014. Continuous Cardiac Output Monitoring: What Do Validation Studies Tell Us? Current Anesthesiology Reports, 4, 242-250. (Invited review)
CRITCHLEY, L. A. H. & ZHANG, J. 2015. The Pulmonary Circulation: A Significant Factor in the Performance of Different Thermodilution Techniques. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 121, 8-10. (Invited editorial)
HUANG, L., CRITCHLEY, L. A. & ZHANG, J. 2015. Major Upper Abdominal Surgery Alters the Calibration of Bioreactance Cardiac Output Readings, the NICOM, When Comparisons Are Made Against Suprasternal and Esophageal Doppler Intraoperatively. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 121, 936-45.
HUANG, L., CRITCHLEY, L. A. & ZHANG, J. 2015. Does using two Doppler cardiac output monitors in tandem provide a reliable trend line of changes for validation studies? Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. Published online, doi:10.1007/s10877-015-9753-0.
Conference abstracts
ZHANG, J., CRITCHLEY, L. A. H. & HUANG, L. Effect of aortic unfolding on oesophageal Doppler readings as probe depth is varied: Preliminary data. Australian Society of Anaesthetists 73rd National Scientific Congress, Gold Coast, Australia, October 2014.
CRITCHLEY, L. A., HUANG, L. & ZHANG, J. The intra-operative ability of external suprasternal and oesophageal Doppler to track changes in cardiac output. Australian Society of Anaesthetists 73rd National Scientific Congress, Gold Coast, Australia, October 2014.
ZHANG, J. & CRITCHLEY, L. A. H. Preoperative inferior vena cava sonography as predictor of hypotension after induction of general anaesthesia. The European Anaesthesiology Congress 2015 (Euroanaesthesia 2015), Berlin, Germany, May 2015.
CRITCHLEY, L. A., HUANG, L. & ZHANG, J. A study that compared the trending abilities during abdominal surgery of Doppler and BioReactance cardiac output monitoring. The European Anaesthesiology Congress 2015 (Euroanaesthesia 2015), Berlin, Germany, May 2015.
CRITCHLEY, L. A., ZHANG, J. & HUANG, L. A study aimed at determining the most reliable of five algorithms that calculate cardiac output from the arterial waveform. The 33rd congress of the Scandianvian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (SSAI), Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2015.
ZHANG, J. & CRITCHLEY, L. A. H. The performance of PhysioFlow during major abdominal surgery: comparison with two Doppler monitors. The European Anaesthesiology Congress 2016 (Euroanaesthesia 2016), London, United Kingdom, May 2016.