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GBS students winning Champion at Global Business Case Competition 2015

20 April 2015

On April 18, 2015, Gladys Tsoi (Year 1), Yody Chiu (Year 1), Alice Kung (Year 2) and Bill Wu (Quantitative Finance, Year 3) represented CUHK in the "Global Business Case Competition (GBCC) 2015" and won the champion. Hosted by the Foster School of Business in The University of Washington, GBCC is an annual international case competition that brings together undergraduate university students from 14 different countries to compete in a challenging business case study in 48 hours.

This year, the competition was held in Seattle, Washington D.C. The CUHK team composing of two freshmen, one year-two and one final-year student was the team with the youngest participants.

The week before the intense 48 hours of case drilling was packed with extensive group tours, company visits and social events. The experience enhanced participants’ understanding of different cultures and extended their social network.

The case revolves around the photovoltaic market and required teams to propose three possible international regions in which "First Solar" can construct their solar energy operations in. With each team member possessing strengths in different areas, the team segmented the tasks and allocated each team member in the areas correlating to their strengths to increase efficiency. The case was very technical and required in-depth research into more than 15 countries - truly living up to the competition name of “global business”. The team also went through an intense 15-minute Q&A section in the final round and their hard work finally paid off.

“This invaluable ‘global’ experience definitely enriched our global mindset, as well as provoked insight into the "real" business world. The most valuable part of the competition was not purely winning- but instead, it was the opportunity to learn during the process and network with people from all around the world,'' concluded by Gladys.

For more details of the GBCC, please visit here.

For the championship announcement on The Foster School of Business, University of Washington's website, please read here.

A short interview of the winning team published on 'The Daily' newspaper in the United States is published here.

The winning team (From left: Alice Kung, Yody Chiu, Gladys Tsoi, Bill Wu)

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