The CUHK Library holds a strong research level social sciences collection; it encompasses architecture, economics, geography, political science, journalism, communication, psychology, social and public welfare, sociology and interdisciplinary subject, gender studies. To support cross-disciplinary use, the resources on psychology are at solid research-level. In addition to books, journal and electronic resources from major academic publishers, there is a wide range of social and economic data, yearbooks, audio and video databases, etc. The social sciences collection has a strong Chinese studies holdings to support teaching and research with a China focus at the Faculty of Social Sciences and beyond. The Hong Kong Studies collection at the University Library provides materials in all aspects pertinent to the study on Hong Kong. It is worthy of mention that the Architecture collection, though with a short history, holds one of the strongest print collection on Chinese architecture and related subjects, The collection is international in scope with a strong Chinese and regional emphasis. It is the only academic Architecture Library in Hong Kong.
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Social Sciences Collection