Library users will be responsible for any use made of the Library Card or CU Link Card issued to them. For your protection, contact the Library immediately to report a lost or stolen card. You are responsible for anything borrowed on your card until it is reported lost or stolen to the Library.
Loss of a CU Link Card and its Replacement
You should immediately report the loss of your CU Link Card to the Library, as well as in the CU Link Self-Service System or at the CU Link Card Centre during opening hours. For replacement of a CU Link Card, please refer to: https://culink.cuhk.edu.hk/help-corner/all-help-topics/lost-card-damaged-card-a-re-issuance/.
Loss of all other types of Library Cards and their Replacement
Report the loss of a Library Card to the Library. To apply for a replacement card, please contact the Library staff for assistance. A replacement card may be issued five working days after the application and payment is received.
Please update any personal information with the Library whenever necessary.