Council Committees

Council Committees

Committee on Institutional Advancement

The Committee on Institutional Advancement helps to review and advise the Council on the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies related to institutional advancement of the University, and the governance related thereto, to cultivate a philanthropic culture among the major stakeholders, and to promote and coordinate the programmes and activities on matters related to institutional advancement. The Committee is required to submit periodic reports to the Council through the Vice-Chancellor on the donations/grants made to the University, and take any follow-up actions assigned by the Council and/or referred by the Vice-Chancellor.


Dr. Anthony Neoh


Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan
Dr. Chien Lee
Dr. Anita F.Y. Leung
Mr. Charles Y.W. Leung
Mr. Thomas C.B. Liang
Prof. Rocky S. Tuan


Ms. Lolitta S.F. Wong
as of 1 August 2021