Other Boards and Committees

Other Boards and Committees

IT Governance Committee



Provost (ex officio)
  • Professor Alan Chan


Chairpersons of the IT Governance Sub-Committees (ex officio)
  • Mr. Eric Ng, Sub-Committee on Administrative Systems Oversight
  • Professor Poon Wai-yin, Sub-Committee on Education Technologies
  • Dr. Michael Chang, Sub-Committee on IT Policy Development
  • Professor Sham Mai-har, Sub-Committee on Research Computing
  • Professor Ko Wing-hung, Sub-Committee on Student Services Steering
Two Faculty Deans
  • Professor Fan Xi-tao, Faculty of Education
  • Professor Song Chun-shan, Faculty of Science
Two College Heads/Masters
  • Professor Chan Sun-on, New Asia College
  • Professor Joseph Lau, Lee Woo Sing College
Registrar (ex officio)
  • Ms. Kitty Yu
Bursar and Director of Finance (ex officio)
  • Ms. Salome Lam
Director of the Information Technology Services Centre (ex officio)
  • Ms. Carol Chiu

Member and Secretary

Director of the University Planning Office (ex officio)
  • Dr. Michael Chang

Terms of Reference

  1. Steer IT planning, IT policy development and compliance monitoring, IT coordination, IT budgeting, and IT risk assessment and monitoring. It will focus on high-level planning and policy development, while relying on ITSC to carry out the implementation, compliance checks, and risk monitoring.
  2. Ensure development and maintenance of a strategic Information Technologies and Communication plan for an IT environment in support of the vision and mission of CUHK.
  3. Ensure proper sharing of responsibilities and setting of priorities for IS&T investments and the deployment of resources by reviewing and making decisions on IS&T projects. Ensure proper sponsorship for IS&T projects.
  4. Guide, direct and approve the establishment and implementation of critical policies, guidelines and standards pertaining to the use of IT within CUHK. Minimum common standards and practices for the University, including but not limited to, security, Web, and access, will be developed.
  5. Identify and charge sub-committees or working groups as appropriate to complete the committee charge and propose funding requests to RAC and review of progress as needed.
  6. Advise Vice-Chancellor, Provost and Pro-Vice-Chancellors on IT planning, deployment, and maintenance.
as of 6 July 2022