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Off-Campus Access to Library's E-Resources: E-resources Supporting Institutional Login

E-resources Supporting Institutional Login

Among Library subscribed e-resources, some Elsevier's products such as ScienceDirect, ClinicalKey, Scopus and Mendeley support institutional login.  If the Library has subscription to this e-resource, you can access the full-text directly from its website by using CUHK Login.

Generally, you can click "Sign in", select "The Chinese University of Hong Kong" in the list of "other institutions" and login using your CUHK Login account.  Easy Access and VPN are not required for institutional login.


ScienceDirect (

1. Click on "Sign in" or similar buttons on a supported Elsevier web site

ScienceDirect Login Screen


2. Click "Other institution" under "Sign in via your institution"

ScienceDirect Sign In via Your Institution screen, click Other Institutions


3. Choose or search for CUHK in the list of institutions, it may be grouped under "Hong Kong Access Federation (HKAF)"

Search The Chinese University of Hong Kong

4. Login with your CUHK Login username and password

Enter your CUHK Login


5. Accept the information release consent

Accept the information release consent

6. When the "Choose organization" screen pops up, select the first option "Chinese University of Hong Kong, IP_Chinese University of Hong Kong IPPU" and click Continue button.

Choose organization screen

7. Login successfully to access the full-text materials

ScienceDirect Full text materials


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