The following list of collections of the Universities Service Centre for China Studies Collection is in alphabetical order.

All material of the collection can be searched via the LibrarySearch. See also the webpage of the USC Collection for more information.

Barometer on China’s Development (BOCD)

The database holds statistical data arranged according to social, economic, political and other indicators of about 333 prefectures and 2,862 counties. Parameters of the database were selected by scholars from anthropology, demography, ecology, economics, education, geography, history, public administration, political science, social work, and sociology. The database serves as a multi-dimensional barometer with which academic researchers and policy analysts from all over the world can monitor, explore, and evaluate China’s development.

China Studies Paper Collection (temporarily not available)

The Universities Service Centre for China Studies has carefully selected outstanding papers in various fields of China Studies and edited them into a database with category search, keyword search and author index. (Updated until 2015)

This webpage is under review and not available at present.

Databank for China Studies (DCS)

With a view to promoting quantitative research on contemporary China, in 1995 the Universities Service Centre of China Studies started collecting and making available machine-readable statistical data of large-scale survey projects. These datasets cover the scope of agriculture and farmers, population, women studies, household surveys, enterprise and reform, social and economic statistic, etc.

Documentary Films

A collection with more than 400 independently produced and acclaimed documentaries showing contemporary Chinese society from manifold angles and through personal stories.

Folk History Project (temporarily not available)

Over the years, through the development of the “Folk History Archive”, the Universities Service Centre for China Studies has been dedicated to collecting and preserving Chinese folk history records, including personal testimonies, memories and biographies. The “Folk History” webpage is derived from this Archive and makes this material – with the author’s consent – openly accessible on the internet.

Since 2022, the “Folk History” project has come to an end and the webpage is under review and not available at present. The Centre would like to express its gratitude to everyone who has participated in this project.

History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements Database Series

Subscription-based online and CD-ROM database on the subject with nearly 40,000 documents, including CCP directives, bulletins, internal reports, leaders’ speeches, major media commentaries, and important mass publications. The series includes four databases:

  1. The Chinese Cultural Revolution Database (1966-1976)
  2. The Chinese Anti-Rightist Campaign Database (1957-)
  3. The Chinese Great Leap Forward / Great Famine Database (1958-1962)
  4. Database of the Chinese Political Campaigns in the 1950s: From Land Reform to State-Private Joint Ownership (1949-1956)

Distribution of the databases is organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

Local Gazetteers

A collection of local gazettes of all administrative divisions in China, but with a special focus on village and township gazetteers.


Collection of more than 250 national, regional and topical Chinese newspapers from the late 1940s until 2010s.


A collection of more than 1,300 regional and statistical yearbooks with constant updates for regional yearbooks and local data.

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