CUHK has established an institutional data repository with the open-source software Dataverse under the TRUST data repository principle: Transparency, Responsibility, User Focus, Sustainability, Technology. CUHK researchers and students can deposit their research data to the CUHK Research Data Repository in order to:
- meet the requirements of publishers and funders
- preserve and share the research data to the scholarly community
- increase the research impact and citation counts
Benefits for CUHK Members
A pilot of the CUHK Research Data Repository has been implemented in October 2021, it allows CUHK researchers to:
- manage data folders among research team members
- describe and preserve datasets in various formats
- publish and share datasets with persistent identifiers (e.g. doi)
- share datasets to social media platforms
- learn the impact of the dataset (e.g. views, downloads, citations)
At this pilot stage, CUHK researchers can fill in this form to deposit data of published research outputs in the CUHK Research Data Repository.
A self-help guide is available about the CUHK Research Data Repostiory.
Benefits for Researchers from Worldwide
Researchers from worldwide can:
- search and discover datasets deposited in the CUHK Research Data Repository via search engines
- cite and re-use the datasets
- contact dataset owners for collaboration
- request access or additional information of datasets, if necessary
- discover the CUHK Research Data Repository from the Dataverse installation map