Planning Process

The process to develop a new strategic plan for 2021–2025 started in early 2020 with the establishment of a steering committee chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and President. At the same time sub-groups led by the Provost and Pro-Vice-Chancellors respectively were formed to focus on seven areas, namely, Education, Student Experience, Research and Innovation, Talent Attraction and Development, Global Engagement, Alumni Engagement and Institutional Advancement, and Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.

The launch of the online platform for views solicitation marked the beginning of year-long efforts to engage various stakeholders for development of the Strategic Plan. Focus group discussions were organized through the Sub-groups to ensure both breadth and depth in the coverage. Four town hall meetings in October 2020 were conducted online in spite of the pandemic, which were well attended by staff, students and alumni, with fruitful exchanges. The recommendations were thereafter further elaborated by the Sub-groups for consolidation under the main theme of ‘Excellence with Purpose and Responsibility’.

A University Strategic Planning Workshop with participants comprising members of the Council, Administrative and Planning Committee, Strategic Plan Steering Committee and Sub-groups, senior management, faculties and students was held on 15 January 2021. At this whole day event the Strategic Plan was thoroughly covered by breakout sessions on respective topics after an overview, closing with group presentations for wrap-up. The plan was further refined based on the invaluable input received, and then aligned into a coherent document for final consultation with the stakeholders again. 

The development of the Strategic Plan has benefited significantly from the above iterations during which various options were explored and identified. Implementation proposals with further details will be drawn up along the way to see to the realization of the strategic directions enumerated in the plan by phases.

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