Dear Reader,

Whether you are a freshman this year, a second year arriving to your campus for the first time, or an upper year student, welcome to the new academic year!

The large majority of those who contributed to this publication have had at most a few months of normal university experience. Two academic years ago, classes were moved online as the city’s daily life was shaken by large-scale protests. No sooner, however, did we take off the tear gas masks than we put on our surgical ones. An entire batch of students spent their freshman year in 2D, creating an odd situation in which it is not only freshmen, but also their jobas and jomas who have yet to locate their classrooms and decode bus routes. As our campus comes back to life, we are delighted to welcome you to a new year, a new home and a new adventure.

We hope this Orientation Issue would encourage you to make the most of your university experience, not only academically but also as a member of a unique and diverse student body and a contributor to society at large.

We wish you the best of luck and happiness here at CUHK.

Best Wishes,

The English Editorial Team of the CUHK Student Press

Table of Contents

-Part I University life-

“There is no perfect university life, only one that is perfect for you. Don’t force yourself to live up to anyone’s expectations, just enjoy the ride and have fun :))).”

“University is a time to discover yourself so give every new experience an honest chance.”

“Create your own university experience. It is a journey with problems to solve and lessons to learn. But most importantly, experiences to enjoy.”

No Prefect Man, No Perfect Answer

10 Tips for Cultural Transition

Tips to Thrive in University

Fxxk Deadlines, I’m not Missing Out on These CUHK Instagram Pages

-Part2 Student Bodies-

“Get involved in new things! Meeting people and expanding horizons creates the best uni experience.”

“Go for it! Honestly, just go for lots of things in uni and plan wisely. Apply to that exchange, cultural trip, society, laboratory—whatever there is. 4 years are so quick and by the time you are a final-year student you don’t want to regret not grasping the opportunity. But a small piece of advice: pick wisely and concentrate on things that are most relevant to you. Where do you see yourself after university? What kind of CV or experience does it require? Student life will offer lots of things but choose and prioritise. And have fun <3️. That’s all it is about.”


What happened in CUHK’s November, 2019?

CUSU Stucture Chart

Why is There No SU in CUHK This Year?

Bits and Pieces of Seong5 Jong1
Behind the Scenes: The Stories of International Students in Student Societies
Introducing the International Student Association

-Part 3 University as an institution-

“Make good connections.”

“Sometimes, all you need to do is to rest.”

“Don’t pull all nighters”

Universities Service Centre? The China Studies of Our Time
On The Culture of a Global University
22.4196° N, 114.2068° E

-Part 4 Walk Through the University-

“PSA clean up after cooking, flush the toilet & clean up your hair.”

“For me, my LEO adviser was the most helpful person when I was collecting my documents.”

“CUHK welcomes you”

“The most beautiful campus in Hong Kong awaits you to explore.”

Study Places
