Call for Abstract

Online Abstract Book


Abstracts are invited for presentations on the following topics. Oral / poster presentations will be selected among the submitted abstracts.

  • Obstetrics
    • General Obstetrics
    • Fetal Medicine
    • Maternal Medicine
    • Midwifery
  • Gynaecology
    • General Gynaecology and Endoscopy
    • Reproductive Medicine
    • Oncology
    • Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology
    • Urogynaecology
  • Young Gynaecologist Award (YGA) Abstracts

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2018
Notification of acceptance for presentation: September 2018
Deadline for registration of abstract presenters: 5 October 2018

Abstract Submission

Presenters will be notified about the Scientific Committee’s decision (acceptance or rejection) in writing by email. 
The Scientific Committee’s decision is final regarding:

  • Whether an abstract has been accepted or rejected.
  • The mode of presentation offered.
  • The date and time of the presentation offered.

Registration for the conference is a requirement for ALL presenters and a pre-requisite to an abstract being reproduced within the conference programme.

Criteria for abstract selection

  1. All abstracts must be submitted online.
  2. Authors can submit more than one paper.
  3. Accepted abstracts will be published in the online abstract book of the Congress.
  4. Papers must not have been published elsewhere.
  5. Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  6. Material presented in abstracts must be concise and coherent, with the focus on the abstract stated clearly.
  7. The authors must make explicit what they intend to present.
  8. Relevant contextual information must be given.
  9. All abstracts must be written in English. Upon submission, authors will receive a confirmation by email. Please ensure that your email address is correct at the time of submission. It is highly recommend using your institute email, instead of personal email (e.g., It is therefore incumbent upon the author to ensure that the spelling, grammar, and syntax are of an academic publishing standard.
  10. Abstracts for posters and concurrent presentations up to three references may be cited and these must be provided using the Harvard referencing system.
  11. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select and assign the abstracts relevant to the sessions for oral or poster presentation. All presenting authors of the abstracts (oral, poster) are required to register and pay for the registration fee by the deadline. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the final programme and the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the Congress.
  12. All accepted abstracts would be published in the final programme of the Congress only upon receipt of registration fees in full.
  13. Abstract Format_
    • Word limit: The abstract title must be no more than 40 words. The abstract body must be no more than 300 words.
    • Title: Abstract title must be in Title Case, i.e., start each word with a capital letter and continue in lower case. e.g. Fertility, Obstetrics, Cancers, Urogynaecology and Endoscopy in O&G 2018 Congress. The title should be brief and descriptive.
    • Author information: Author and co-author names, institutions, cities and countries are to be typed in appropriate boxes. Please include family / last name and first / given name of author(s) and do NOT include degrees or professional titles (Dr, PhD, Prof, MD, etc.). A maximum of Six (6) authors can be listed in each abstract. Only One (1) institution can be listed for each author.
    • Each abstract must contain sufficient details for evaluation. Make the abstract as informative as possible. Clearly indicate the aims and conclusions supported by data. Results stated in the abstracts must be complete (though concise) and final. Organize the body of the abstract as follows: (a) Introduction; (b) Objectives; (c) Methodology / process ; (d) Results /outcomes and (e) Conclusion
    • Use standard abbreviations and generic drug names. Place unusual abbreviations or acronyms in parentheses after first use.  Graphic, table or chart in content is NOT acceptable and will be automatically removed if received.