Professor Wang Chi Chiu

Current Position:
Professor and Division Head
Office Phone:
(852) 3505 3099
MBBS (Hons), MMed (O&G), PhD (Surgical Sciences in O&G), PhD (Genetics), DipTCM (Chinese Medicine), DipTCM (Acupuncture), FRSC (UK)), SAB (US)
Other Positions:
In-charge, Research Laboratory, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK
Deputy Director (Cyto- & Mol Genetics), Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis Centre, CUHK
Principal Investigator. Laboratory of Reproduction & Development, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, CUHK
Research Fellow, Shenzhen Research Institute, CUHK
Associate Member (Neuro-Degen, -Deve & Repair), School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK
Honorary Scientific Officer (Medical), New Territories East Cluster_ HA
Clinical & Research Interests:
Maternal Fetal Medicine (PET, GDM, fetal hypoxia)
Reproductive Medicine (endometriosis, PCOS, miscarriage, implantation failure)
Developmental Biology (redox, gene dosage)
Chinese Medicine (safety)
Research Awards: DAAD (99), JSPS (01,09-11), Roche (03), APFCB (04), AACC (05), HUGO & APFCB (06), ARVO, IFCC-FESCC, ISIR, ISSCR, ICT & IFPA (07), SGI (09), MOU (15), Albert Nelson (17)
Research Grants: AoE(08), GRF(99,01,02,03,06,07,09,10,10*,12*,13,14,15,16,17,19×2), HMRF(08*,09*,10,10*,13*,13,14,16*,16,17×3,18*,19*,19×3), ITF(13,13*,15,16,16,17,17), ITF(13*,16*,16,17*,18), NSFC(13), SITC(19*), JSPS(01*,09*), DAAD(99*) [*PI]
Associate Editor: Gynecol Obstet Res
Editorial Board members: Chinese Journals World J Ophthal, World J Transl Med, J Pediat Biochem, J Integrated Omics, Asian Pacific J Reprod, , J Neonatal Biol, Austin J Obstet Gynecol, J Androl Gynecol, J Novel Immun , J Biochem Mol Biol Res, J Gynecol Res, , SM J Gynecol Obstet, Clin Obstet Gynecol Reprod Med, Transl Med Case Rep, Horizons Translational Med.
Journal reviewer: NEJM, BMJ, BJOG, Hum Reprod, Fertil Steril, etc
Grant Reviewer: NSFC, NMRC, NCSR, etc
Postgraduate supervisor: 36 PhD, 11 MPhil, 4 MSc (Feb 2020)
Total number of paper published: 29 book chapters, 184 ISI papers, 306 conference abstracts (Feb 2020)
H-index: 29 (Dec 2018)
ResearchGate Score: 42.48 (Dec 2018)
Public Websites:
PubMed, LiHS, Linkedin, Loop, ResearchGate, CHM Safety, ORCID and ResearcherID
1 | CyPA interacts with SERPINH1 to promote extracellular matrix production and inhibit epithelial-mesenchymal transition of trophoblast via enhancing TGF-?/Smad3 pathway in preeclampsia Hu H, Ma J, Li Z, Ding Z, Chen W, Peng Y, Tao Z, Chen L, Luo M, Wang C, Wang X, Li J, Zhong M Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2022 Mar 15; 548:111614 |
2 | A human pluripotent stem cell-based model of SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals an ACE2-independent inflammatory activation of vascular endothelial cells through TLR4 Ma Z, Li X, Fan RLY, Yang KY, Ng CSH, Lau RWH, Wong RHL, Ng KK, Wang CC, Ye P, Fu Z, Chin AWH, Lai MYA, Huang Y, Tian XY, Poon LLM, Lui KO Stem Cell Reports. 2022 Mar 8;17(3):538-555 |
3 | Single-cell profiling of human subventricular zone progenitors identifies SFRP1 as a target to re-activate progenitors Donega V, van der Geest AT, Sluijs JA, van Dijk RE, Wang CC, Basak O, Pasterkamp RJ, Hol EM Nat Commun. 2022 Feb 24;13(1):1036 |
4 | The Key Role of Peroxisomes in Follicular Growth, Oocyte Maturation, Ovulation, and Steroid Biosynthesis Wang S, Yang HX, Fu YL, Teng XM, Wang CC, Xu WM Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2022 Feb 3;2022:7982344 |
5 | Aspirin repurposing in folate-decorated nanoparticles; another way to target breast cancer Kanwal F, Ma M, Rehman MFU, Khan FU, Elizur SE, Batool AI, Wang CC, Tabassum T, Lu C, Wang Y Front Mol Biosci. 2022 Jan 28;8:788279 |
6 | The Key Role of Peroxisomes in Follicular Growth, Oocyte Maturation, Ovulation, and Steroid Biosynthesis Wang S, Yang HX, Fu YL, Teng XM, Wang CC, Xu WM Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2022 Feb 3;2022:7982344 |
7 | Gestational weight gain rates in the first and second trimesters are associated with small for gestational age among underweight women: a prospective birth cohort study Wei XL, Shen SY, Huang PY, Xiao X, Lin SS, Zhang LF, Wang CR, Lu MS, Lu JH, Tam WH, Wang CC, He JR, Qiu X BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 Feb 5;22(1):106 |
8 | Immunosuppression and immunotherapy in endometriosis: review of pathophysiology, recent development and future perspectives He Y, Hung KSW, Xu H, Wang CC In: Immunology of Endometriosis: Pathogenesis and Management 2021; Volume 2 Ch 18: 271-296 |
9 | Auto-immunity and endometriosis: evidence, mechanism and therapeutic potential Zhang T, Li TC, Wang CC In: Immunology of Endometriosis: Pathogenesis and Management 2021; Volume 2 Ch 6:85-104 |
10 | Associations of maternal weight status with the risk of offspring atopic dermatitis and wheezing by 1 year of age Wei X, Huang P, Gao C, Shen S, Tu S, Guo Y, Zhang L, Lu MS, Lu J, Wang CC, He JR, Qiu X Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2022 Jan;33(1):e13703 |
11 | Maternal and neonatal 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and factors influencing their concentrations Mao D, Yuen LY, Ho CS, Wang CC, Tam CH, Chan MH, Lowe WL, Ma RC, Tam WH J Endocr Soc. 2021 Nov 24;6(1):bvab170 |
12 | R4 RGS proteins suppress engraftment of human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells by modulating SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling Chan KYY, Zhang C, Wong YTS, Zhang XB, Wang CC, Ng WH, Fok SP, Tang PMK, Kang W, Feng B, Poon ENY, Lee KY, Lee CK, Chen C, Leung TY, Ng MHL, To KF, Wang H, Lam HS, Ng PC, Yuen PMP, Li K, Leung AWK, Li CK, Leung KT Blood Adv. 2021 Nov 9;5(21):4380-4392 |
13 | An In-Silico, In-Vitro and In-Vivo Combined approach to identify NMNATs as potential protein targets of ProEGCG for treatment of endometriosis Hung SW, Liang B, Gao Y, Zhang R, Tan Z, Zhang T, Chung PWJ, Chan TH, Wang CC Front Pharmacol. 2021 Oct 14;12:714790 |
14 | A comprehensive evaluation of progestin-primed ovarian stimulation protocol in patients with or without PCOS undergoing in vitro fertilization Zhu J, Zhang J, Yang J, Li D, Wang C, Elizur SE, Zhao K, Kuang Y, Wang Y Reprod Biol. 2021 Aug 17;21(4):100540 |
15 | Effective aspirin treatment of women at risk for preeclampsia delays the metabolic clock of gestation Li X, Milosavljevic A, Elsea SH, Wang CC, Scaglia F, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH, Poon LC Hypertension. 2021 Nov;78(5):1398-1410 |
16 | The identification of endometrial immune cell densities and clustering analysis in the mid-luteal phase as predictor for pregnancy outcomes after IVF-ET treatment Zhao Y, Man GCW, Wang J, Liu Y, Kwong J, Zhang T, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Chen X, Li TC J Reprod Immunol. 2021 Oct 5;148:103431 |
17 | Molecular mechanism and pathways of normal human parturition in different gestational tissues: a systematic review of transcriptome studies Ding W, Chim SSC, Wang CC, Lau CSL, Leung TY Front Oncol. 2021 Sep 10;12:730030 |
18 | Evidence on efficacy and safety of Chinese Medicines combined western medicines Li L, Wang R, Zhang A, Wang L, Ge Q, Liu Y, Chen T, Wang CC, Leung PC, Sun Q, Fan X Front Oncol. 2021 Jun 21;11:661925 |
19 | Multiplexed Fluorescent Immunohistochemical Staining of Four Endometrial Immune Cell Types in Recurrent Miscarriage Zhao Y, Man GCW, Chan LKY, Guo X, Liu Y, Zhang T, Kwong J, Wang CC, Chen X, Li TC J Vis Exp. 2021 Aug 4;(174): e62931 |
20 | Receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor Sunitinib as novel immunotherapy to inhibit myeloid-derived suppressor cells for treatment of endometriosis He Y, Hung SW, Liang B, Zhang RZ, Gao YT, Chu CY, Xu H, Zhang T, Chung JPW, Wang CC Front. Immunol. 2021 July;12:641206 |
21 | Do baseline AMH levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome predict ovulation rate and time to ovulation: a secondary analysis of PCOSAct trial? Wu Q, Li J, Ng EHY, Liu JP, Mol BWJ, Wu XK, Wang C, PCOSAct Study Group BJOG 2021 Aug; 128(9): 1477–1486 |
22 | Pharmaceuticals targeting signaling pathways of endometriosis as potential new medical treatment: A review Hung SW, Zhang RZ, Tan ZYR, Chung JPW, Zhang T, Wang CC Med Res Rev. 2021 Jul;41(4):2489-2564 |
23 | Relationship between viral load, infection-to-delivery interval and mother-to-child transfer of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies Poon LC, Leung BW, Ma T, Yu FN, Kong CW, Lo TK, So PL, Leung WC, Shu W, Cheung KW, Moungmaithong S, Wang CC Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jun;57(6):974-978 |
24 | Successful implantation is associated with a transient increase in serum pro-inflammatory cytokine profile, following by a switch to anti-inflammatory cytokine profile prior to confirmation of pregnancy Zhao Y, Zhang T, Guo X, Wong CK, Chen X, Chan YL, Wang CC, Laird S, Li TC Fertil Steril. 2021 Apr;115(4):1044-1053 |
25 | Increased co-expression of PSMA2 and GLP-1 receptor in cervical cancer models in type 2 diabetes attenuated by Exendin-4: A translational case-control study Mao D, Cao H, Shia M, Wang CC, Kwong J, Li JJX, Hou Y, Ming X, Lee HM, Tian XY, Wong CK, Chow E, Kong APS, Lui VWY, Chan PKS, Chan JCN EBioMedicine. 2021 Mar 01; 65 (2021):103242 |
26 | Green tea extract as a cryoprotectant additive to preserve the motility and DNA integrity of human spermatozoa Alqawasmeh OAM, Zhao M, Chan CPS, Leung MBW, Chow KC, Agarwal N, Mak JSM, Wang CC, Pang CP, Li TC, Chu WK, Chan DYL Asian J Androl. Mar-Apr 2021;23(2):150-156 |
27 | Characterization of long non-coding RNA profiles in porcine granulosa cells of healthy and atretic antral follicles: implications for a potential role in apoptosis Meng L, Zhao K, Tao J, Wang CC, Wu ZF, Zhang SQ, Teerds K Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021 Mar, 22(5), 2677 |
28 | Autophagy signals orchestrate chemoresistance of gynecological cancers Tam C, Rao S, Waye MMY, Ng TB, Wang CC Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer. 2021 Feb 15;1875(2):188525 |
29 | Uterine CD56+ cell density and euploid miscarriage in women with a history of recurrent miscarriage: A clinical descriptive study Chen X, Zhang T, Liu Y, Cheung WC, Zhao Y, Wang CC, Laird S, Li TC Eur J Immunol. 2021 Feb;51(2):487-489 |
30 | Novel genetic variants of PPARγ2 promoter in gestational diabetes mellitus and its molecular regulation in adipogenesis Wu L, Song Y, Zhang Y, Liang B, Deng Y, Tang T, Ye YC, Hou HY, Wang CC Front Endocrinol. 2021 Jan 22, 11:499788 |
31 | Influence onto the Immatures: Melamine from Mothers to Babies . Chu CY, Wang CC In: An introduction to melamine, Nova Science Publishers, 2020 Chapter 2, pp 39-75 |
32 | Developing a core outcome set for future infertility research: an international consensus development study Duffy JMN, AlAhwany H, Bhattacharya S, Collura B, Curtis C, Evers JLH, Farquharson RG, Franik S, Giudice LC, Khalaf Y, Knijnenburg JML, Leeners B, Legro RS, Lensen S, Vazquez-Niebla JC, Mavrelos D, Mol BWJ, Niederberger C, Ng EHY, Otter AS, Puscasiu L, Rautakallio-Hokkanen S, Repping S, Sarris I, Simpson JL, Strandell A, Strawbridge C, Torrance HL, Vail A, van Wely M, Vercoe MA, Vuong NL, Wang AY, Wang R, Wilkinson J, Youssef MA, Farquhar CM, Core Outcome Measure for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) initiative (Wang CC is a member of COMMIT) Fertil Steril. 2021 Jan;115(1):191-200 |
33 | Standardizing definitions and reporting guidelines for the infertility core outcome set: an international consensus development study Farquharson RG, Franik S, Hickey M, Hull ML, Jordan V, Khalaf Y, Legro RS, Lensen S, Mavrelos D, Mol BW, Niederberger C, Ng EHY, Puscasiu L, Repping S, Sarris I, Showell M, Strandell A, Vail A, van Wely M, Vercoe M, Vuong NL, Wang AY, Wang R, Wilkinson J, Youssef MA, Farquhar CM, Core Outcome Measure for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) initiative, (Wang CC is a member of COMMIT) Fertil Steril. 2021 Jan;115(1):201-212 |
34 | Transcriptome analysis of porcine granulosa cells in healthy and atretic follicles: role of steroidogenesis and oxidative stress Meng L, Wu Z, Tao J, Zhao K, Tam C, Zhang S, Wang CC, Katja T Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Dec 28;10(1):E22 |
35 | Standardizing definitions and reporting guidelines for the infertility core outcome set: an international consensus development study Duffy JMN, Bhattacharya S, Bhattacharya S, Bofill M, Collura B, Curtis C, Evers JLH, Giudice LC, Farquharson RG, Franik S, Hickey M, Hull ML, Jordan V, Khalaf Y, Legro RS, Lensen S, Mavrelos D, Mol BW, Niederberger C, Ng EHY, Puscasiu L, Repping S, Sarris I, Showell M, Strandell A, Vail A, van Wely M, Vercoe M, Vuong NL, Wang AY, Wang R, Wilkinson J, Youssef MA, Farquhar CM, Core Outcome Measure for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) initiative, (Wang CC is a member of COMMIT) Duffy JMN, Bhattacharya S, Bhattacharya S, Bofill M, Collura B, Curtis C, Evers JLH, Giudice LC, Farquharson RG, Franik S, Hickey M, Hull ML, Jordan V, Khalaf Y, Legro RS, Lensen S, Mavrelos D, Mol BW, Niederberger C, Ng EHY, Puscasiu L, Repping S, Sarris I, Showell M, Strandell A, Vail A, van Wely M, Vercoe M, Vuong NL, Wang AY, Wang R, Wilkinson J, Youssef MA, Farquhar CM, Core Outcome Measure for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) initiative, (Wang CC is a member of COMMIT) Hum Reprod. 2020 Dec 1;35(12):2735-2745 |
36 | Developing a core outcome set for future infertility research: an international consensus development study Duffy JMN, AlAhwany H, Bhattacharya S, Collura B, Curtis C, Evers JLH, Farquharson RG, Franik S, Giudice LC, Khalaf Y, Knijnenburg JML, Leeners B, Legro RS, Lensen S, Vazquez-Niebla JC, Mavrelos D, Mol BWJ, Niederberger C, Ng EHY, Otter AS, Puscasiu L, Rautakallio-Hokkanen S, Repping S, Sarris I, Simpson JL, Strandell A, Strawbridge C, Torrance HL, Vail A, van Wely M, Vercoe MA, Vuong NL, Wang AY, Wang R, Wilkinson J, Youssef MA, Farquhar CM, Core Outcome Measure for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) initiative (Wang CC is one member of COMMIT) Hum Reprod. 2020 Dec 1;35(12):2725-2734 |
37 | Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals that CD9 Is a Negative Marker of GlucoseResponsive Pancreatic b-like Cells Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Li X, Yang KY, Chan VW, Leung KT, Zhang X, Wong AS, Chong CCN, Wang CC, Ku M, Lui KO Stem Cell Reports. 2020 Nov;15:1111–1126 |
38 | Monochorionic twins with selective fetal growth restriction: insight from placental whole transcriptome analysis LI W, Chung CYL, Wang CC, Chan TF, Leung MBW, Chan OK, Wu L, APPIAH K, Chaemsaithong P, Cheng YKY, Poon LCY, Leung TY Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Nov;223(5):749.e1-749.e16 |
39 | Therapeutic potential of a novel prodrug of green tea extract in induction of apoptosis Man GCW, Wang J, Song Y, Wong JH, Zhao Y, Lau TS, Leung KT, Chan TH, Wang H, Kwong J, Ng TB, Wang CC BMC Cancer. 2020 Oct 6;20(1):964 |
40 | An Innovative Artificial Intelligence–Based App for the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM-AI): Development Study Shen J, Chen J, Zheng Z, Zheng J, Liu Z, Song J, Wong SY, Wang X, Huang M, Fang PH, Jiang B, Tsang W, He Z, Liu T, Akinwunmi B, Wang CC, Zhang CJP, Huang J, Ming WK J Med Internet Res. 2020 Sep 15;22(9):e21573 |
41 | A polysaccharide extract from the medicinal plant Maidong inhibits the IKK–NF-κB pathway and IL-1β–induced islet inflammationand increases insulin secretion Mao DD, Tian XY, Mao D, Hung SW, Wang CC, Lau CBS, Lee HM, Wong CK, Chow E, Xing M, Cao HY, Ma RCW, Chan PKS, Kong APS, Li JJX, Rutter G, Tam WH, Chan JCN J Biol Chem. 2020 Sep 4;295(36):12573-12587 |
42 | Chinese Herbal Medicine and Its Application for Female Cancer Wang R, Sun Q, Lin Y, Wang L, Liu Y, Wang CC, Li L In: Medicinal Plants - Use in Prevention and Treatment of Diseases, IntechOpen, 2020 Chapter 11, pp. 175-180 |
43 | Early transient suppression of immune checkpoint proteins T-cell immunoglobulin mucin-3 and programmed cell death-1 in peripheral blood lymphocytes after blastocyst transfer is associated with successful implantation Zhang T, Zhu W, Zhao Y, Cheung CWC, Liu Y, Chen X, Du Y, Leung KT, Chan DYL, Wang CC, Laird S, Li TC Fertil Steril. 2020 Aug;114(2):426-435 |
44 | Characteristics of circular RNA expression profiles of porcine granulosa cells in healthy and atretic antral follicles Meng L , Teerds K, Tao J, Wei H, Jaklofsky M, Zhao Z, Yaodi L, Li L, Wang CC, Zhang S Int J Mol Sci 2020 Jul;21(15):5217 |
45 | MicroRNA-19a-PTEN axis is involved in the developmental decline of axon regenerative capacity in retinal ganglion cells Mak HK, Yung JSY, Weinreb RN, Ng SH, Cao X, Ho TYC, Ng TK, Chu WK, Yung WH, Choy KW, Wang CC, Lee TL, Leung CKS Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2020 Jun 1;21:251-263 |
46 | Association between chronic endometritis and uterine natural killer (uNK) cells density in women with recurrent miscarriage: clinical implications Chen X, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Cheung CWC, Zhang T, Qi R, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Li TC J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2020 Jun;46(6):858-863 |
47 | Placental microRNA dataset of monochorionic twin pregnancies with and without selective fetal growth restriction Meng M, Cheng YKK, Wu L, Chaemsaithong P, Leung MBW, Chim SSC, Sahota DS, Li W, Poon LCY, Wang CC, Leung TY Data in Breif Volume 30, June 2020, 105403 |
48 | Whole genome miRNA profiling revealed miR-199a as potential placental pathogenesis of selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies Meng M, Cheng YKK, Wu L, Chaemsaithong P, Leung MBW, Chim SSC, Sahota DS, Li W, Poon LCY, Wang CC, Leung TY Placenta Volume 92, March 2020, Pages 44-53 |
49 | Effects of high progesterone in in-vitro fertilization cycle on DNA methylation and gene expression of adhesion molecules on endometrium during implantation window Xiong Y, Hu L, Zhang T, Wang M, Xu H, Li TC, Sun Y, Wang CC J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020 Jan;37(1):33-43 |
50 | The effect of Barberine on Reproduction and Metabolism in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials (REVIEW) Xie LZ, Zhang DJ, Ma HL, He H, Xia Q, Shen WJ, Chang H, Deng YY, Wu Q, Cong J, Wang CC, Wu Xk. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2019 Dec 13; 2019:7918631 |
51 | Endometrium imaging using real-time rotational optical coherence tomography imaging system: A pilot, prospective and ex-vivo study Law SM, Wu F, Xu H, Wang CC, Li TC Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Nov;98(44):e17738 |
52 | Endocrine characteristics, body mass index, and metabolic syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome Li J, Wu Q, Wang CC, Wang R, Ng EHY, Liu JP, Mol BWJ, Wu XK, Li WT; PCOSAct Study Group Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 Nov;39(5):868-876 |
53 | Localization of MUC1 in different cell populations of luminal epithelium and changes in expression in women with reproductive failure during implantation window Wu FR, Mao D, Liu YY, Chen XY, Xu H, Li TC, Wang CC J Mol Histol. 2019 Dec;50(6):563-572 |
54 | A double-blinded, randomized placebo-controlled trial on the effect of traditional Chinese medicine formula Wuzi Yanzong pill on improving semen qualities in men with suboptimal parameters Zhao M, Chan CPS, Cheung CWC, Alqawasmeh O, Wang CC, Wu JCY, Lin ZX, Li TC, Chung JPW, Mak JSM, Law TSM, Chan DYL Trials. 2019 Aug 29;20(1):540 (7 pages) |
55 | EDNRB isoform 3 confers Temozolomide resistance in A375 melanoma cells by modulating membrane potential, reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial Ca2+ Chen YS, Liu F, Luo YH, Fan Y, Xu FG, Li P, Zhou B, Pan XY, Wang CC, Cui L Cancer Manag Res. 2019 Aug;11:7353—7367 |
56 | Efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal Medicine on ovarian cancer after reduction surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Wang RY, Wang F, Liu Y, Li X, Chen TH, Wu XK, Zhou MY, Zhang SZ, Xiao Y, Huang WJ, Wang CC, Li L Frontiers in Oncology 2019 Aug;9:730 (11 pages) |
57 | The high-risk HPV oncogene E7 upregulates miR-182 expression through the TGF-β/Smad pathway in cervical cancer Chen J, Deng Y, Ao L, Song Y, Xu Y, Wang CC, Choy KW, Chung TKH, Du Q, Sui Y, Yang T, Yang J, Li H, Zou C, Tang T Cancer Lett. 2019 Sep 24;460:75-85 |
58 | Chinese herbal medicines for treating gestational diabetes mellitus (REVIEW) Wang CC, Li L, Liu XK, Tam WH, Li RM Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 2019 Jun; 2019(6);CD013354:1-14 |
59 | Evaluation of in vitro embryotoxicity tests for Chinese herbal medicines Li L, Tang LY, Liang B, Wang RY, Sun QH, Lau CBS, Leung PC, Fritsche E, Liebsch M, Seiler A, Spielmann H, Wang CC Reproductive Toxicology, 2019 Oct; 89: 45-53 |
60 | Genetic variants in promoter regions associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a large-scale meta-analysis and subgroup analysis Wu L, Wang CC J cell Biochem 2019 Aug;120(8):13012-13025 |
61 | Effects of hyperhomocysteinaemia and metabolic syndrome on reproduction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a secondary analysis Chang H, Xie LZ, Ge H, Wu Q, Wen Y, Zhang DJ, Zhang YH, Ma HL, Gao JS, Wang CC, Stener-Victorin E, Ng EHY, Wu XK Reprod Biomed Online 2019,38(6),990-998 |
62 | YY1 regulates skeletal muscle regeneration through controlling metabolic reprogramming of satellite cells Chen FY, Zhou JJ, Li YY, Zhao Y, Yuan J, Cao Y, Wang LJ, Zhang ZK, Zhang BT, Wang CC, Cheung T, Wu ZG, Wong CCL, Sun H, Wang HT EMBO J. 2019 May 15;38(10). pii: e99727 |
63 | Endometrial vascularization characterized by Optical Coherence Tomography and immunohistochemistry in women undergoing in vitro fertilization- embryo transfer treatment Law SM, Cheung CWC, Wu F, Zhang R, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Chen X, Li TC Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 Mar 27;55(4), 1-12 |
64 | Vedolizumab-mediated integrin α4β7 blockade does not control HIV-1SF162 rebound after combination antiretroviral therapy interruption in humanized mice Ling L, Wu T, To KKW, Cheung KW, Lui KO, Niu M, Lam KS, Wang CC, Li J, Wang H, Yuen KY, Chen Z AIDS. 33(4):F1–F12, Mar 2019 |
65 | Intrauterine infusion of human chorionic gonadotropin before embryo transfer in IVF/ET cycle: The critical review (REVIEW) Zhang T, Chen X, Wang CC, Li TC, Kwak-Kim J Am J Reprod Immunol. 2019 Feb;81(2):e13077, 12 pages |
66 | Metabolomics of Green-Tea Catechins on Vascular-Endothelial-Growth-Factor-Stimulated Human-Endothelial-Cell Survival Chu KO, Chan KP, Chan SO, Ng TK, Jhanji V, Wang CC, Pang CP J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 12866−12875 |
67 | Overexpression of CCDC69 activates p14ARF/MDM2/p53 pathway and confers cisplatin sensitivity Cui L, Zhou F, Chen C, Wang CC Journal of Ovarian Research Jan 2019 12:4, 9 pages |
68 | Homology-independent multiallelic disruption via CRISPR/Cas9-based knock-in yields distinct functional outcomes in human cells Zhang C, He X, Kwok YKY, Wang F, Xue J, Zhao H, Suen KW, Wang CC, Ren J, Chen GG, Lai PB, Li J, Xia Y, Chan AM, Chan WY, Feng B BMC Biol. Dec 2018, 16:151, 17 pages |
69 | Linc-YY1 promotes myogenic differentiation and muscle regeneration through an interaction with the transcription factor YY1 Zhou L, Sun K, Zhao Y, Zhang S, Wang X, Li Y, Lu L, Chen X, Chen F, Bao X, Zhu X, Wang L, Tang L, Esteban MA, Wang CC, Jauch R, Sun H, Wang H Nat Commun. 2015 Dec 11;6:10026(Art 10026) 1-16 |
70 | A prospective observational study on the stress levels at the time of embryo transfer and pregnancy testing following in vitro fertilisation treatment: a comparison between women with different treatment outcomes Cheung CWC, Saravelos SH, Chan TYA, Sahota DS, Wang CC, Chung PW, Li TC BJOG. 2019 Jan;126(2):271-279 |
71 | The link between immunity, autoimmunity and endometriosis: a literature update Zhang T, De Carolis C, Man GCW, Wang CC Autoimmun Rev 2018 Oct 17 (10) 945–955 |
72 | Increased expression of angiogenic cytokines in CD56+ uterine natural killer cells from women with recurrent miscarriage Chen X, Liu Y, Cheung CWC, Zhao Y, Huang J, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Li TC Cytokine. 2018 Oct;110:272-276 |
73 | Decreased MUC1 in endometrium is an independent receptivity marker in recurrent implantation failure during implantation window Wu F, Chen X, Liu Y, Liang B, Xu H, Li TC, Wang CC Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018 Jun 21;16(1):60 |
74 | MDSCs drive the process of endometriosis by enhancing angiogenesis and are a new potential therapeutic target Zhang T, Zhou JH, Man GCW, Leung KT, Liang B, Ma XT, Huang SY, Huang HX, Hegde VL, Zhong Y, Li YM, Kong GWS, Yiu AKW, Kwong J, Ng PC, Nagarkatti PS, Nagarkatti M, Wang CC Eur J Immunol. 2018 Jun;48(6):1059-1073 |
75 | Comparison of the prevalence of chronic endometritis as determined by means of different diagnostic methods in women with and without reproductive failure Liu Y, Chen X, Huang J, Wang CC, Yu MY, Laird S, Li TC Fertil Steril. 2018 May;109(5):832-839 |
76 | Effect of exposure to second-hand smoke from husbands on biochemical hyperandrogenism, metabolic syndrome and conception rates in women with polycystic ovary syndrome undergoing ovulation induction Li J, Wu Q, Wu XK, Zhou ZM, Fu P, Chen XH, Yan Y, Wang X, Yang ZW, Li WL, Stener-Victorin E, Legro RS, Ng EH, Zhang H, Mol BWJ, Wang CC; for PCOSAct Study Group Hum Reprod. 2018 Apr 1;33(4):617-625 |
77 | Efficacy, safety and recurrence of new progestins and selective progesterone receptor modulator for the treatment of endometriosis: a comparison study in mice Liang B, Wu L, Xu H, Cheung ECW, Fung LWY, Wong SW, Wang CC Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018 Apr 3;16(1):32 |
78 | Effects of low-dose melamine exposure during pregnancy on maternal and fetal kidneys in rats Chu NCY, Fung KP, Wang CC Environ Toxicol. 2018 Mar;33(3):370-380 |
79 | Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of blood microvessel density in endometrial cancer: a meta‑analysis and subgroup analysis Wang JZ, Xiong YJ, Man GCW, Chen XY, Kwong J, Wang CC Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018 Mar;297(3):731-740 |
80 | The Therapeutic Effects of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Wuzi Yanzong Pill for the Treatment of Oligoasthenozoospermia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Zhao M, Shi X, Kong GWS, Wang CC, Wu JCY, Lin Z, Li TC, Chan DYL Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Jan 2018 (2968025): 1-10 |
81 | Inhibition of coiled coil domain containing protein 69 enhances platinum-induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells Cui L, Liang B, Yang Y, Zhu M, Kwong J, Zheng H, Wang CC Oncotarget 2017 Sep, 8 (60), pp. 101634-101648 |
82 | Measurement of uterine natural killer cell percentage in the periimplantation endometrium from fertile women and women with recurrent reproductive failure: establishment of a reference range Chen X, Mariee N, Jiang L, Liu Y, Wang CC, Li TC, Laird S Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Dec;217(6):680.e1-680.e6 |
83 | Long non-coding RNA HAND2-AS1 inhibits invasion and metastasis in endometrioid endometrial carcinoma through inactivating neuromedin U Yang X, Wang CC, Lee WYW, Trovik J, Chung TKH, Kwong J Cancer Lett. 2018 Jan 28;413:23-34 |
84 | Effects of high progesterone level on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration in in vitro fertilization cycles on epigenetic modification of endometrium in the peri-implantation period Xiong YJ, Wang JZ, Liu L, Chen XY, Xu H, Li TC, Wang CC, Zhang SY Fertil Steril. 2017 Aug;108(2):269-276 |
85 | The regulations and role of circadian clock and melatonin in uterine receptivity and pregnancy—An immunological perspective Man GCW, Zhang T, Chen X, Wang J, Wu F, Liu Y, Wang CC, Cheong Y, Li TC Am J Reprod Immunol. 2017 Aug;78(2)e12715 |
86 | Physiological and pathological angiogenesis in endometrium at the time of embryo implantation Chen X, Man GCW, Liu Y, Wu F, Huang J, Li TC, Wang CC Am J Reprod Immunol. 2017 Aug;78(2)e12693 |
87 | Effect of Acupuncture and Clomiphene in Chinese Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial Wu X, Stener-Victorin E, Kuang H, Ma H, Gao J, Xie L, Hou L, Hu Z, Shao X, Ge J, Zhang J, Xue H, Xu X, Liang R, Ma H, Yang H, Li W, Huang D, Sun Y, Hao C, Du S, Yang Z, Wang X, Yan Y, Chen X, Fu P, Ding C, Gao Y, Zhou Z, Wang CC, Wu T, Liu J, Ng EHY, Legro RS, Zhang H, for the PCOSAct Study Group JAMA. 2017 Jun 27;317(24):2502-2514 |
88 | Correlation between three-dimensional power Doppler and morphometric measurement of endometrial vascularity at the time of embryo implantation in women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage Chen X, Saravelos SH, Liu Y, Huang J, Wang CC, Li TC. J Mol Histol. 2017 Jun;48(3):235-242 |
89 | A comparison of transcriptomic profiles in endometrium during window of implantation between women with unexplained recurrent implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage Huang J, Qin H, Yang Y, Chen X, Zhang J, Laird S, Wang CC, Chan TF, Li TC Reproduction. 2017 Jun;153(6):749-758 |
90 | Lhx1/5 control dendritogenesis and spine morphogenesis of Purkinje cells via regulation of Espin Lui NC, Tam WY, Gao C, Huang JD, Wang CC, Jiang L, Yung WH, Kwan KM Nat Commun. 2017 May 18;8:15079 |
91 | Perturbation of Retinoid Homeostasis Increases Malformation Risk in Embryos Exposed to Pregestational Diabetes Lee LM, Leung MB, Kwok RC, Leung YC, Wang CC, McCaffery PJ, Copp AJ, Shum AS Diabetes. 2017 Apr;66(4):1041-1051 |
92 | Evidence-based interventions of threatened miscarriage Li J, Gao J, Wang CC, Ng EHY, Wu X World J Tradit Chin Med Mar 2017; 3(1): 50–59 |
93 | Perturbation of Retinoid Homeostasis Increases Malformation Risk in Embryos Exposed to Pregestational Diabetes Lee LM, Leung MB, Kwok RC, Leung YC, Wang CC, McCaffery PJ, Copp AJ, Shum AS Diabetes. 2017 Apr;66(4):1041-1051 |
94 | Research Priorities for Endometriosis: Recommendations From a Global Consortium of Investigators in Endometriosis Rogers PAW, Adamson GD, Al-Jefout M, Christian MB, D’Hooghe TM, Dunselman GAJ, Fazleabas A, Giudice LC, Horne AW, Hull ML, Hummelshoj L, Missmer SA, Montgomery GW, Stratton P, Taylor RN, Rombauts L, Saunders PT, Vincent K, Zondervan KT, and for the WES/WERF Consortium for Research Priorities in Endometriosis. Wang CC is the WES/WERF Consortium for Research Priorities in Endometriosis Reprod Sci. 2017 Feb;24(2):202-226 |
95 | Adverse Reproductive Effects of Maternal Low-Dose Melamine Exposure during Pregnancy in Rats Chu CY, Tang LY, Li L, Shum AS, Fung KP, Wang CC Environ Toxicol. 2017 Jan;32(1):131-138 |
96 | The flame retardant 2,2’,4,4’-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether enhances the expression of corticotropin-releasing hormone in the placental cell model JEG-3 Zhu Y, Tan YQ, Wang CC, Leung LK Chemosphere. 2017 Jan 31;174:499-505 |
97 | Genetic Variants Associated with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-analysis and Subgroup Analysis. Wu L, Cui L, Tam WH, Ma RCW, Wang CC Sci Rep Jul 2016;6 (30539): 1 – 9 |
98 | Local Administration of siRNA through Microneedle: Optimization, Bio-distribution, Tumor Suppression and Toxicity. Tang T, Deng Y, Chen J, Zhao Y, Yue RF, Choy KW, Wang CC, Du Q, Xu Y, Han L, Chung TKH Sci Rep Jul 2016;6 (30430): 1 – 8 |
99 | Hypoxia Inducible Factor and Microvessels in Peri-implantation Endometrium of Women with Recurrent Miscarriage. Chen XY, Jiang LM, Wang CC, Huang J, Li TC Fertil Steril Jun 2016;105(6): 1496 – 1502 |
100 | Exposure to Aflatoxin B1 in Late Gestation Alters Protein Kinase C And Apoptotic Protein Expression in Murine Placenta. Wang YF, Tan WJ, Wang CC, Leung LK Reprod Toxicol Mar 2016;61: 68 – 74 |
101 | Chinese Herbal Medicines for Unexplained Recurrent Miscarriage. Li L, Dou LX, Leung PC, Chung TKH, Wang CC Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2016;1(2016) |
102 | Aflatoxin B1 Augments the Synthesis of Corticotropin Releasing Hormone in JEG-3 Placental Cells. Wang YF, Tan WJ, Wang CC, Leung LK Chem-Biol Interact 2015;237(2015): 73 - 79 |
103 | Differential Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Angiogenic Factors in Different Endometrial Compartments in Women Who Have an Elevated Progesterone Level before Oocyte Retrieval, during in Vitro Fertilization¡Vembryo Transfer Treatment. Chen XY, Jin XY, Liu L, Man GCW, Huang J, Wang CC, Zhang S, Li TC Fertil Steril 2015;104(4): 1030 - 1036 |
104 | Effects of EGCG Content in Green Tea Extract on Pharmacokinetics, Oxidative Status and Expression of Inflammatory and Apoptotic Genes in the Rat Ocular Tissues Chu KO, Chan KP, Yang YP, Qin YJ, Li WY, Chan SO, Wang CC, Pang CP J Obstet Gynaecol 2015;26(11): 1357 - 1367 |
105 | Expression of Inactive Glutathione Peroxidase 4 Leads to Embryonic Lethality, and Inactivation of the Alox15 Gene Does Not Rescue Such Knock-In Mice. Brutsch SH, Wang CC, Li L, Stender H, Neziroglu N, Richter C, Kuhn H, Borchert A Antioxid Redox Sign 2015;22(4): 281 - 293 |
106 | Prognostic Value of Circulating Tumor Cells and Disseminated Tumor Cells in Patients with Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cui L, Kwong J, Wang CC J Ovarian Res 2015;8(1): 1 - 10 |
107 | Safety of Chinese Herbal Medicines during Pregnancy. Liang Bo, Li L, Tang LY, Wu Q, Wu XK, Wang CC J Appl Toxicol 2015;35(5): 447 - 458 |
108 | A Review of Pinealectomy-induced Melatonin-deficient Animal Models for the Study of Etiopathogenesis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Man GCW, Wang WWJ, Yim APY, Wong JH, Ng TB, Lam TP, Lee SKM, Ng BKW, Wang CC, Qiu Y, Cheng JCY Int J Mol Sci 2014;15(9): 16484 - 16499 |
109 | Cryptotanshinone Reverses Ovarian Insulin Resistance in Mice through Activation of Insulin Signaling and the Regulation of Glucose Transporters and Hormone Synthesizing Enzymes. Huang Y, Li W, Wang CC, Wu XK, Zheng JH Fertil Steril 2014;102(2): 589 - 596 |
110 | Determination of Exogenous Epigallocatechin Gallate Peracetate in Mouse Plasma Using Liquid Chromatography with Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry. Chu KO, Man GCW, Chan KP, Chu NCY, ChanBTH, Pang CP, Wang CC J Sep Sci 2014;37(23): 3473 - 3480 |
111 | Diagnostic Accuracy of the Bacs-on-Beads ™ Assay Versus Karyotyping for Prenatal Detection of Chromosomal Abnormalities: A Retrospective Consecutive Case Series. Choy KW, Kwok YKY, Cheng YKY, Wong CKM, Wong HK, Leung KO , Suen AKW, Adler K, Wang CC, Lau TK, Schermer M, Lao TTH, Leung TY BJOG 2014;121(10): 1245 - 1252 |
112 | Human Fetal Liver Stromal Cell Co-Culture Enhances the Differentiation of Pancreatic Progenitor Cells into Islet-Like Cell Clusters. Jiang J, Ng KY, Cheng QN, Xia Y, Wang CC, Leung PS Stem Cell Rev and Rep 2014;10(2): 280 - 294 |
113 | Performance of Chromosomal Microarray for Patients with Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Delay, Autism, and Multiple Congenital Anomalies in a Chinese Cohort. Chong WS, Lo FM, Lam STS, Wang CC, Luk HM, Leung TY, Choy KW Mol Cytogenet 2014;7(34): 1 - 6 |
114 | Pro-oxidative and Antioxidative Controls and Signaling Modification of Polyphenolic Phytochemicals: Contribution to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention? Chu KO, Chan SO, Pang CP, Wang CC J Agric Food Chem 2014;62(18): 4026 - 4038 |
115 | Serotonin Receptor 6 Mediates Defective Brain Development in Monoamine Oxidase A-deficient Mouse Embryos. Wang CC, Man GCW, Chu NCY, Borchert A, Ugun-Klusek A, Billett EE, Kuhn H, Ufer C J Biol Chem 2014;289(12): 8252 - 8263 |
116 | Systematic Review of Chinese Medicine for Miscarriage during Early Pregnancy. Li L, Leung PC, Chung TKH, Wang CC Evid-Based Compl Alt 2014;2014(7538): 1 - 16 |
117 | Therapeutic Potentials of Gene Silencing by RNA Interference: Principles, Challenges, and New Strategies. Deng Y, Wang CC, Choy KW, Du Q, Chen J, Wang Q, Li L, Chung TKH, Tang T Gene 2014;538: 217 - 227 |
118 | A Randomized, Double-blind, Multiple-dose Escalation Study of a Chinese Herbal Medicine Preparation (Dang Gui Buxue Tang) for Moderate to Severe Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women. Wang CC, Cheng KF, Lo WM, Law CKY, Li L, Leung PC, Chung TKH, Haines CJ MENOPAUSE 2013;20(2): 223 - 231 |
119 | Bisphenol A Differentially Activates Protein Kinase C Isoforms in Murine Placental Tissue. Tan WJ, Huang H, Wang YF, Wong TY, Wang CC, Leung LK Toxicol App Pharm 2013;269(2): 163 - 168 |
120 | Chinese Herbal Medicines for Unexplained Recurrent Miscarriage. Li L, Dou LX, Leung PC, Chung TKH, Wang CC Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2013;(6) |
121 | Does Dang Gui Buxue Tang Improve Moderate to Severe Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Life in Post-menopausal Women? Wang CC, Haines CJ Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2013;18(3): 140 - 142 |
122 | Effect of Zeranol on Expression of Apoptotic and Cell Cycle Proteins in Murine Placentae. Wang YF, Li L, Wang CC, Leung LK Toxicology 2013;314(1): 148 - 154 |
123 | Functional Role of Mst1/Mst2 in Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation. Li P, Chen Y, Mak KKL, Wong CK, Wang CC, Yuan P PLos ONE 2013;8(11): e79867 |
124 | Immortalized Human Fetal Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Expressing Suicide Gene for Anti-tumor Therapy in Vitro and in Vivo. Lee WYW, Zhang T, Lau CPY, Wang CC, Chan KM, Li G Cytotherapy 2013;15(12): 1484 - 1497 |
125 | Melamine in Prenatal and Postnatal Organs in Rats. Chu NCY, Chu KO, Ho CS, Kwok SS, Chan HMM, Fung KP, Wang CC Reprod Toxicol 2013;35: 40 - 47 |
126 | Melamine Toxicity in Rat Foetuses and Infants. Wang CC, Fung KP, Fok TF, Lau TK, Pang CP, Chu KO, Shum ASW, Lam CWK, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Lau CM, Ting TL, Mak TCW Hong Kong Med J 2013;19(S8): S20 - S22 |
127 | MicroRNA-182 Plays an Onco-miRNA Role in Cervical Cancer. Tang T, Wong HK, Gu W, Yu MMY, To KF, Wang CC, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Choy KW Gynecol Oncol 2013;129(1): 199 - 208 |
128 | Monoamine Oxidases in Development. Wang CC, Billett EE, Borchert A, Kuhn H, Ufer C Cell Mol Life Sci 2013;70(4): 599 - 630 |
129 | Pregnancy Outcomes, Embryonic and Fetal Development in Maternal Exposure to Chinese Medicines Wang CC, Li L, Lau CBS, Leung PC, Fung KP Birth Defects Res Part C-Embryo Today-Rev 2013;99(4): 275 - 291 |
130 | Prodrug of Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (Pro-EGCG) as a Potent Anti-angiogenesis Agent for Endometriosis in Mice. Wang CC, Xu H, Man GCW, Zhang T, Chu KO, Chu NCY, Cheng JTY, Li G, He YX, Qin L, Lau TS, Kwong J, Chan TH Angiogenesis 2013;16(1): 59 - 69 |
131 | Single Fetal Cells for Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis: Old Myths New Prospective. Chan WK, Kwok YKY, Choy KW, Leung TY, Wang CC Medical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2013;1(1): 1004 |
132 | Suppression of Malignancy by Smad3 in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Formed Teratoma. Li P, Chen Y, Meng XM, Kwok YKY, Huang XR, Choy KW, Wang CC, Lan HY, Yuan P Stem Cell Rev and Rep 2013;9(5): 709 - 720 |
133 | The Detection of Mosaicism by Prenatal BoBs TM. Cheng YKY, Wong CKM, Wong HK, Leung Kwok On, Kwok YKY, Suen AKW, Wang CC, Leung TY, Choy KW Prenatal Diag 2013;33(1): 42 - 49 |
134 | Thrombopoietin Improved Ventricular Function and Regulated Remodeling Genes in a Rat Model of Myocardial Infarction. Chan KYY, Zhou L, Xiang P, Li KKH, Ng PC, Wang CC, Li M, Pong NH, Tu L, Deng HY, Kong CKL, Sung RYT Int J Cardiol 2013;167(6): 2546 - 2554 |
135 | Toxicity of Melamine: The Public Health Concern. Chu NCY, Wang CC J Environ SCI Heal C 2013;31(4): 342 - 386 |
136 | Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C is Increased in Endometrium and Promotes Endothelial Functions, Vascular Permeability and Angiogenesis and Growth of Endometriosis. Xu H, Zhang T, Man GCW, May KE, Becker CM, Davis TN, Kung AL, Birsner AE, D Amato RJ, Wong AWY, Wang CC Angiogenesis 2013;16: 541 - 551 |
137 | A Paradoxical Teratogenic Mechanism for Retinoic Acid. Lee LMY, Leung CY, Tang W, Choi HL, Leung YC, Mccaffery PJ, Wang CC, Woolf AS, Shum ASW Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012;109(34): 13668 - 13673 |
138 | Adverse Outcomes of Chinese Medicines Used for Threatened Miscarriage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Li L, Dou LX, Neilson JP, Leung PC, Wang CC Hum Reprod Update 2012;18(5): 504 - 524 |
139 | Bisphenol A Induces Corticotropin-releasing Hormone Expression in the Placental Cells JEG-3. Huang H, Tan WJ, Wang CC, Leung LK Reprod Toxicol 2012;34: 317 - 322 |
140 | Chinese Herbal Medicines for Threatened Miscarriage (Review). Li L, Dou LX, Leung PC, Wang CC Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2012;(5) |
141 | Molecular Studies of the Congenital Malformation Induced by Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, the Most Commonly Used Chinese Medicine for Threatened Miscarriage. Tang LY, Li L, Borchert A, Lau CBS, Leung PC, Wang CC Mol Hum Reprod 2012;18(12): 585 - 592 |
142 | Safety Evaluation of Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines during Pregnancy in Mice Wang CC, Li L, Tang LY, Leung PC Hum Reprod 2012;27(8): 2448 - 2456 |
143 | Acupuncture for Amblyopia in Children (Protocol). Liu ML, Li L, Leung PC, Wang CC, Liu M, Lan L, Ren YL, Liang FR Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2011;(9) |
144 | Association of Hemopexin in Tear Film and Conjunctival Macrophages with Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis. Pong JCF, Chu NCY, Li WY, Tang LY, Li L, Lui WT, Poon TCW, Rao SK, Lam DSC, Wang CC, Pang CCP Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129(4): 453 - 461 |
145 | Fetal Stromal Niches Enhance Human Embryonic Stem Cell¡VDerived Hematopoietic Differentiation and Globin Switch. Lee KY, Fong BSP, Tsang KS, Lau TK, Ng PC, Lam AC, Chan KYY, Wang CC, Kung HF, Li CK, Li KKH Stem Cells Dev 2011;20(1): 31 - 38 |
146 | Gene Dosage Imbalance of Human Chromosome 21 in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Differentiating to Neurons. Wang CC, Kazuki Y, Oshimura M, Ikeo K, Gojobori T Gene 2011;481(2): 93 - 101 |
147 | Genistein Upregulates Placental Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Expression in Lipopolysaccharide-Sensitized Mice. Huang H, Li L, Wang Y, Tang LY, Wang CC, Leung LK Placenta 2011;32(10): 757 - 762 |
148 | Gestational and Lactational Transfer of Melamine following Gavage Administration of a Single Dose to Rats. Chan JYW, Lau CM, Ting TL, Mak CWT, Chan HMM, Lam CWK, Ho CS, Wang CC, Fok TF, Fung KP Food Chem Toxicol 2011;49(7): 1544 - 1548 |
149 | Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Inhibits Angiogenesis and Suppresses Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C/Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 Expression and Signaling in Experimental Endometriosis in Vivo. Xu H, Becker CM, Lui WT, Chu NCY, Davis TN, Kung AL, Birsner AE, D Amato RJ, Man GCW, Wang CC Fertil Steril 2011;96(4): 1021 - 1028 |
150 | Monoamine Oxidase A Expression Is Vital for Embryonic Brain Development by Modulating Developmental Apoptosis. Wang CC, Borchert A, Ugun-Klusek A, Tang LY, Lui WT, Chu NCY, Billett EE, Kuhn H, Ufer C J Biol Chem 2011;286(32): 28322 - 28330 |
151 | Potential Reproductive Toxicity of Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, the Most Commonly Used Chinese Medicine for Threatened Miscarriage. Li L, Tang LY, Man GCW, Yeung BHY, Lau CBS, Leung PC, Wang CC Hum Reprod 2011;26(12): 3280 - 3288 |
152 | Stem Cell-Like Properties of Human Umbilical Cord Lining Epithelial Cells and the Potential for Epidermal Reconstitution. Huang L, Wong YP, Gu H, Cai YJ, Ho Y, Wang CC, Leung TY, Burd A Cytotherapy 2011;13(2): 145 - 155 |
153 | Tear Film Proteomics for Ocular Diseases. Wang CC Sci Topics 2011; |
154 | The Roles of Glutathione Peroxidases during Embryo Development. Ufer C, Wang CC Front Mol Neurosci 2011;4(12): 1 - 14 |
155 | Thrombopoietin Protects Against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy, Improves Cardiac Function, And Reversely Alters Specific Signalling Networks. Chan KYY, Xiang P, Zhou L, Li KKH, Ng PC, Wang CC, Zhang L, Deng HY, Pong NH, Zhao HL, Chan WY, Sung RYT Eur J Heart Fail 2011;13(4): 366 - 376 |
156 | Chinese Herbal Medicines for Threatened Miscarriage. Li L, Wang CC, Dou L, Leung PC Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2010;(5): 1 - 9 |
157 | Classification of Pathogenic or Benign Status of CNVs Detected by microarray Analysis. Leung TY, Pooh RK, Wang CC, Lau TK, Choy KW Expert Rev Mol Diagn 2010;10(6): 717 - 721 |
158 | Defining the Immunoreactive Epitope for the Monoclonal Anti-Human Glutathione Peroxidase-4 Antibody Anti-hGPx4 Mab63-1. Borchert A, Kuttner G, GieBmann E, Wang CC, Wessner H, Volkmer R, Hohne W, Kuhn H Immunol Lett 2010;133(2): 85 - 93 |
159 | Distribution of Melamine in Rat Foetuses and Neonates. Chu NCY, Chu KO, Chan JYW, Liu XZ, Ho CS, Wong CK, Lau CM, Ting TL, Fok TF, Fung KP, Wang CC Toxicol Lett 2010;199(3): 398 - 402 |
160 | Effects of Different Inspired Oxygen Fractions on Lipid Peroxidation During General Anaesthesia for Elective Caesarean Section. Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Chu NCY, Ng F, Tam WH, Critchley LAH, Rogers MS, Wang CC Brit J Anaesth 2010;105(3): 355 - 360 |
161 | Green Tea Catechins and Their Oxidative Protection in the Rat Eye. Chu KO, Chan KP, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Li WY, Choy KW, Rogers MS, Pang CCP J Agric Food Chem 2010;58(3): 1523 - 1534 |
162 | Identification of Hemopexin in Tear Film. Pong JCF, Chu NCY, Chu KO, Poon TCW, Ngai SSM, Pang CCP, Wang CC Anal Biochem 2010;404(1): 82 - 85 |
163 | Redox Control in Mammalian Embryo Development. Ufer C, Wang CC, Borchert A, Heydeck D, Kuhn H Antioxid Redox Sign 2010;13(6): 833 - 875 |
164 | Adipose-derived stem cells from pregnant women show higher proliferation rate unrelated to estrogen. Ng LWC, Yip SK, Wong HK, Yam HF, Liu YM, Lui WT, Wang CC, Choy KW Hum Reprod 2009;24(5): 1164 - 1170 |
165 | Anti-angiogenic effects of green tea catechin on an experimental endometriosis mouse model. Xu H, Lui WT, Chu NCY, Ng PS, Wang CC, Rogers MS Hum Reprod 2009;24(3): 608 - 618 |
166 | De novo 16p13.11 microdeletion identified by high-resolution array CGH in a fetus with increased nuchal translucency. Law LW, Lau TK, Fung TY, Leung TY, Wang CC, Choy KW BJOG 2009;116(2): 339 - 343 |
167 | Enhanced apoptosis during early neuronal differentiation in mouse ES cells with autosomal imbalance. Kai Y, Wang CC, Kishigami S, Kazuki Y, Abe S, Takiguchi M, Shirayoshi Y, Inoue T, Ito H, Wakayama T, Oshimura M Cell Res 2009;19(2): 247 - 258 |
168 | High isoprostane level in cardinal ligament-derived fibroblasts and urine sample of women with uterine prolapse. Choy KW, Wang CC, Yip SK, Chan SSC BJOG 2009;116(1): 127 - 128 |
169 | Human Normal Tear Proteome. Chu NCY, Poon TCW, Pong JCF, Pang CCP, Wang CC Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2009;247(6): 725 - 727 |
170 | Specific expression of Gsta4 in mouse cochlear melanocytes: a novel role for hearing and melanocyte differentiation. Uehara S, Izumi Y, Kubo Y, Wang CC, Mineta K, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Tachibana M, Kikuchi T, Kobayashi T, Shibahara S, Taya C, Yonekawa H, Shiroishi T, Yamamoto H Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 2009;22(1): 111 - 119 |
171 | Supplementary oxygen for emergency Caesarean section under regional anaesthesia. Khaw KS, Wang CC, Ngan Kee WD, Tam WH, Ng F, Critchley LAH, Rogers MS Brit J Anaesth 2009;102(1): 90 - 96 |
172 | High Isoprostane Level in Cardinal Ligament-Derived Fibroblasts and Urine Sample of Women with Uterine Prolapse. Choy KW, Liu YM, Chu NCY, Wang CC, Lui WT, Lee LLL, Pang MW, Rogers MS, Yip SK BJOG 2008;115(9): 1179 - 1183 |
173 | Mutations of t-Complex Testis Expressed Gene 5 Transcripts in the Testis of Sterile t-haplotype Mutant Mouse. Han YB, Song XX, Feng HL, Cheung CK, Lam PM, Wang CC, Haines CJ Asian J Androl 2008;10(2): 219 - 226 |
174 | Preeclampsia: Challenges in pre-clinical identification and prevention. Wang CC Arab Health 2008;(1): 22 - 24 |
175 | The Application of Microarray Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Prenatal Diagnosis. Choy KW, Tsang PT, Leung TY, Wang CC, Lau TK Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review 2008;19(2): 119 - 133 |
176 | Translational Regulation of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 Expression Through Guanine-Rich Sequence-Binding Factor 1 is Essential for Embryonic Brain Development. Ufer C, Wang CC, Fahling M, Schiebel H, Thiele BJ, Billett EE, Kuhn H, Borchert A Genes Dev 2008;22(13): 1838 - 1850 |
177 | A comparison study in the proteomic signatures of multipotent germline stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and germline stem cells. Kurosaki H, Kazuki Y, Hiratsuka M, Inoue T, Matsui Y, Wang CC, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Shinohara T, Toda T, Oshimura M Biochem Bioph Res Co 2007;353(2): 259 - 267 |
178 | A novel transcription factor for optic vesicle induction and neuroepithelium differentiation during eye development in mouse. Wang CC, Tang LY, Choy KW, Gojobori T, Ikeo K, Pang CCP Asian J Ophthalmol 2007;9(1): 100 |
179 | Differential Aqueous and Vitreous Concentrations of Moxifloxacin and Ofloxacin After Topical Administration One Hour before Vitrectomy. Lai WWK, Chu KO, Chan KP, Choy KW, Wang CC, Tsang CW, Pang CCP Am J Ophthalmol 2007;144(2): 315 - 318 |
180 | Early Changes of Pattern Recognition Lectins and Oxidative Stress in Preceded Pre-eclampsia. Wang CC, Chu NCY, Leung TN, Lau TK, Rogers MS Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45: S382 |
181 | Expression of a novel T-complex testis expressed 5 (Tctex5) in mouse testis, epididymis, and spermatozoa. Han YB, Feng HL, Cheung CK, Lam PM, Wang CC, Haines CJ Mol Reprod Dev 2007;74(9): 1132 - 1140 |
182 | From tear proteomic analysis to understand development and management of vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Pong JCF, Chu NCY, Wang CC, Poon TCW, Rao SK, Pang CCP, Lam DSC Asian J Ophthalmol 2007;9(1): 447 |
183 | Gene expression of human fetal retinal ganglion cell during early eye development. Choy KW, Wong HK, Tang LY, Wang CC, Lau TK, Pang CCP Asian J Ophthalmol 2007;9(1): 101 |
184 | Measuring triamcinolone acetonide in aqueous humor by gas chromatography-electron-capture negative-ion mass spectrometry. Chu KO, Ho TCK, Chiang WY, Wang CC, Lam DSC, Pang CCP J Chromatogr B 2007;847(2): 199 - 204 |
185 | Method to determine stability and recovery of carboprost and misoprostol in infusion preparations. Chu KO, Wang CC, Pang CCP, Rogers MS J Chromatogr B 2007;857(1): 83 - 91 |
186 | Safety Profiles of Chinese Herbal-Medicines in Early Embyro Development. Wang CC, Lau TK Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45: S311 |
187 | Tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate increases 8-isoprostane level and induces caudal regression in developing rat embryos. Wang CC, Chu KO, Chong WS, Li WWY, Pang CCP, Shum ASW, Lau TK, Rogers MS Free Radic Biol Med 2007;43(4): 519 - 527 |
188 | The role of lectin-complement pathway in innate immune responses in clinical preeclampsia. Wang CC, Yim KW, Poon TCW, Choy KW, Chu NCY, Lui WT, Leung TN, Lau TK, Rogers MS Am J Reprod Immunol 2007;57(6): 467 |
189 | Uptake and distribution of catechins in fetal organs following in utero exposure in rats. Chu KO, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Choy KW, Pang CCP, Rogers MS Hum Reprod 2007;22(1): 280 - 287 |
190 | Determination of ofloxacin and moxifloxacin and their penetration in human aqueous and vitreous humor by using high-performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection. Chan KP, Chu KO, Lai WWK, Choy KW, Wang CC, Lam DSC, Pang CCP Anal Biochem 2006;353(1): 30 - 36 |
191 | Genomic annotation of 15,809 ESTs identified from pooled early gestation human eyes. Choy KW, Wang CC, Ogura A, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Lam DSC, Pang CCP Physiol Genomics 2006;25(1): 9 - 15 |
192 | Metabolomic and bioinformatic analyses in asphyxiated neonates. Chu NCY, Xiao XM, Zhou XG, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Fok TF, Law LK, Pang CCP, Wang CC Clin Biochem 2006;39(3): 203 - 209 |
193 | Molecular characterization of the developmental gene in eyes: Through data-mining on integrated transcriptome databases. Choy KW, Wang CC, Ogura A, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Tang LY, Lam DSC, Chung TKH, Pang CCP Clin Biochem 2006;39(3): 224 - 230 |
194 | Oxidative stress in midpregnancy as a predictor of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia. Rogers MS, Wang CC, Tam WH, Li CY, Chu KO, Chu NCY BJOG 2006;113(9): 1053 - 1059 |
195 | Pharmacokinetic studies of green tea catechins in maternal plasma and fetuses in rats. Chu KO, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Chan KP, Rogers MS, Choy KW, Pang CCP J Pharm Sci 2006;95(6): 1372 - 1381 |
196 | Pro-oxidative effects of tea and polyphenols, epigallocatechin-3-gallate and epigallocatechin, on G6PD-deficient erythrocytes in vitro. Ko CH, Li KKH, Ng PC, Fung KP, Li CL, Wong RPO, Chui KM, Gu GJS, Yung ECM, Wang CC, Fok TF Int J Mol Med 2006;18(5): 987 - 994 |
197 | Development of the Rhombencephalon: Molecular Evolution and Genetic Regulation. Wang CC Neuroembryol Aging 2005;3(2): 78 - 91 |
198 | Effects of High-Inspired Oxygen Fraction During Elective Caesarean Section Under General Anaesthesia on Maternal and Fetal Oxygenation and Lipid Peroxidation. Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Wang CC, Tam WH, Rogers MS Anaesth Intens Care 2005;33(1): 136 |
199 | Meconium-stained liquor during labor is associated with raised neonatal cord blood 8-iso-prostaglandin F2a concentration. Liu BY, Wang CC, Lau TK, Chu NCY, Pang CCP, Rogers MS, Leung TN Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;192(1): 289 - 294 |
200 | Partial Neuroprotective Effect of Pretreatment with Tanshinone IIA on Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia Brain Damage. Xia WJ, Yang M, Fok TF, Li KKH, Chan WY, Ng PC, Ng HK, Chik KW, Wang CC, Gu GJS, Woo KS, Fung KP Pediatr Res 2005;58(4): 784 - 790 |
201 | Determination of catechins and catechin gallates in biological fluids by HPLC with coulometric array detection and solid phase extraction. Chu KO, Wang CC, Rogers MS, Choy KW, Pang CCP Anal Chim Acta 2004;510(1): 69 - 76 |
202 | Determination of catechins and catechin gallates in tissues by liquid chromatography with coulometric array detection and selective solid phase extraction. Chu KO, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Rogers MS, Choy KW, Pang CCP J Chromatogr B 2004;810(2): 187 - 195 |
203 | In vitro exposure to carbon dioxide induces oxidative stress in human peritoneal mesothelial cells. Souza AMB, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Briton Jones C , Haines CJ, Rogers MS Hum Reprod 2004;19(6): 1281 - 1286 |
204 | Molecular hierarchy in neurons differentiated from mouse ES cells containing a single human chromosome 21. Wang CC, Kadota M, Nishigaki R, Kazuki Y, Shirayoshi Y, Rogers MS, Gojobori T, Ikeo K, Oshimura M Biochem Bioph Res Co 2004;314(2): 335 - 350 |
205 | Proteomic signatures and aberrations of mouse embryonic stem cells containing a single human chromosome 21 in neuronal differentiation: An in vitro model of down syndrome. Kadota M, Nishigaki R, Wang CC, Toda T, Shirayoshi Y, Inoue T, Gojobori T, Ikeo K, Rogers MS, Oshimura M Neuroscience 2004;129(2): 325 - 335 |
206 | Supplementary oxygen for elective Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia: useful in prolonged uterine incision-to-delivery interval? Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Lee A, Wang CC, Wong ASY, Ng F, Rogers MS Brit J Anaesth 2004;92(4): 518 - 522 |
207 | Comparison of Peritoneal Oxidative Stress During Laparoscopy and laparostomy. De Souza A, Rogers MS, Wang CC, Yuen PM, Ng PS J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2003;10(1): 65 - 74 |
208 | HPLC Determination of Lignocaine and Its Metabolite Xylidine in Aqueous Humor. Chu KO, Wang CC, Rogers MS, Choy KW, Kwok AKH, Pang CCP Anal Lett 2003;36(12): 2669 - 2682 |
209 | Quantifying F2-isoprostanes in umbilical cord blood of newborn by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chu KO, Wang CC, Rogers MS, Pang CCP Anal Biochem 2003;316(1): 111 - 117 |
210 | The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£\ during laparoscopy in rabbits De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188 |
211 | Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia is Associated with Increased Polyamine Oxidase and Diamine Oxidase Concentrations in Cervical Mucus. Rogers MS, Yim SF, Li KC, Wang CC, Arumanayagam M Gynecol Oncol 2002;84(3): 383 - 387 |
212 | Diclofenac-induced embryotoxicity is associated with increased embryonic 8-isoprostaglandin F2a level in rat whole embryo culture. Chan Louis YS, Chiu PY, Siu NSS, Wang CC, Lau TK Reprod Toxicol 2002;16(6): 841 - 844 |
213 | Effects of high inspired oxygen fraction during elective Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia on maternal and fetal oxygenation and lipid peroxidation. Khaw KS, Wang CC, Ngan Kee WD, Pang CCP, Rogers MS Brit J Anaesth 2002;88(1): 18 - 23 |
214 | Effects of high inspired oxygen fraction during elective Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia on maternal and fetal oxygenation and lipid peroxidation. Khaw KS, Wang CC, Ngan Kee WD, Pang CCP, Rogers MS Obstet Gynecol Surv 2002;57(7): 424 - 425 |
215 | Oxidative stress in the fetal lamb brain following intermittent umbilical cord occlusion: a path analysis. Rogers MS, Murray HGS, Wang CC, Pennell CE, Turner A, Ping Y, Pang CCP, Chang AMZ BJOG 2001;108(12): 1283 - 1290 |
216 | Color ultrasonography: a useful technique in the identification of nuchal cord during labor. Qin Y, Wang CC, Lau TK, Rogers MS Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2000;15(5): 413 - 417 |
217 | Determinants of umbilical cord arterial 8-iso-prostaglandin F2alpha concentrations. Qin Y, Wang CC, Kuehn H, Rathmann J, Pang CP, Rogers MS BJOG 2000;107(8): 973 - 981 |
218 | A comparison of three ultrasound estimates of intrapartum oligohydramnios for prediction of fetal hypoxia-reperfusion injury. Rogers MS, Wang CC Early Hum Dev 1999;56(2-3): 117 - 126 |
219 | Fetal and maternal level of lipid peroxides in term pregnancies. Rogers MS, Mongelli JM, Tsang BKH, Wang CC Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1999;78(2): 120 - 124 |
220 | Intapartum fetal hypoxia-reperfusion injury and oligohydramnios: a comparison of three ultrasound estimate of amniotic fluid volume. Rogers MS, Wang CC Ultrasound Obst Gyn 1999;12(1): 161 |
221 | Lipid peroxidation in cord blood at birth: the effect of labour. Rogers MS, Mongelli JM, Tsang BKH, Wang CC, Law KP BJOG 1998;105( 7): 739 - 744 |
222 | Lipid peroxidation in cord blood: a footprint of free oxygen radical activity.(Suppl) Rogers MS, Wang VW, Wang CC, Chang AMZ Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;167(1): 20 |
223 | Lipid peroxidation in cord blood: the effects of umbilical nuchal cord. Wang CC, Rogers MS BJOG 1997;104(2): 251 - 255 |
224 | Lipid peroxide in cord blood: a randomized sequential pairs study of prophylactic saline amnioinfusion for intrapartum oligohydramnios. Wang CC, Rogers MS BJOG 1997;104(10): 1145 - 1151 |
225 | Lipid peroxide in cord blood: the effect of amniotic fluid volume. Wang CC, Rogers MS BJOG 1997;104(10): 1140 - 1144 |
226 | Oxygen free radical activity in the second stage of labor. Mongelli JM, Wang CC, Wang VW, Pang CP, Rogers MS Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;76(8): 765 - 768 |
227 | Amnioinfusion for the prevention of meconium aspiration during labour. Rogers MS, Lau TK, Wang CC, Yu KM Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36(4): 407 - 410 |