StatTools : Numerical Transformation Explained

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All mathematics involves the transformation of one set of numbers to another set, but transformations provided by StatTools are those commonly used in clinical statistics.

Data Input :

  • The data is a single column of numbers to be transformed
  • Where additional parameters are necessary, input is either via values for text boxes, or alternatives in action buttons.
  • Example data and parameters are available for each transformation procedure to guide the user. Specific requirements and pitfalls for each procedure are described in the following panels
Result output : One or more of the following are provided after transformation
  • A table comparing the following parameters from the original and transformed data
    • Mean and Standard Deviation
    • Skewness and Kurtosis
    • Chi Square (with 2 degrees of freedom) to test the combination of skewness and kurtosis against the null hypothesis that the data is normally distributed. A critical value of chi square = 5.99 provides the Type I Error α=0.05, so that higher values indicates a significant departure from normal distribution
    • A correlation coefficient ρ between the values against theoretical values from a normal distribution. This provides a numerical representation of how close the data is to normal distribution.
  • A table listing all values before and after transformation
  • Two plots, for data before and after transformation, to allow visual inspection of the distribution of the data
    • The data is converted into Standard Deviation (z) values, where z = (v-mean) / Standard Deviation
    • The values are then placed into an array at one Standard Deviation intervals
    • The number of values in each array is represented as a percent of the total number
    • The final plot is the percent of total in each Standard Deviation array
  • A x/y scatterplot, with x=before and y=after transformation, the demonstrate the shape of the relationship that is affected by the transformation.
  • Please note that the MacroPlot Program Page provides programs to produce publishable quality plots should the user wishes to replicate some of the plots produced by Numerical Transformation Program Page .