StatTools : Sequential Unpaired Difference Between Two Survival Rates Program

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Data is in 4 columns

  • Col 1 = number that met with the index event (mortality) in group 1
  • Col 2 = number that had not met the index event (survived) in group 1
  • Col 3 = number that met with the index event (mortality) in group 2
  • Col 4 = number that had not met the index event (survived) in group 2

The number of rows are multiples of number of intervals, each set represents
data from one of the sequential observations.

Within each set, the rows are in order of time intervals. Each row is
therefore the survival data of that interval in that set of observations.

Click button to run program using example data,
or replace example data with real data and click button to run.

Probability of Type I Error (α)
Power (1 - β)
Expected Proportion survived in group 1
Expected Proportion survived in group 2
Number of time intervals
Ratio of sample size in the 2 groups(n1/n2)

MacroPlot Code