StatTools : Make Effect Size for Meta-analysis Program

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Related Links:
Meta-analysis for Comparing Two Unpaired Groups Program Page
Meta-analysis for Comparing Two Unpaired Groups Explained Page

Program References
Differences Between Means
Standard Differences
Log Ratios of Means
Risk Differences
Risk Ratios
Odds Ratios
Correlation Coefficients
Data for Difference Between Means, Standard Differences, and Log Ratios of Means :
    - Each row from a separate study
    - All rows have 6 columns
    - Column 1, 2, and 3 = n, mean, Standard Deviation of index (treatment) group
    - Column 4, 5, and 6 = n, mean, Standard Deviation of reference (control) group
Data for Risk Differences, Log(Risk Ratio)s, and Log(Odds Ratio)s :
    - Each row from a separate study
    - All rows have 4 columns
    - Column 1 and 2 = numbers with positive attributes in index and reference group (pos1,pos2)
    - Column 3 and 4 = numbers with negative attributes in index and reference group (neg1,neg2)
Data for Correlation Coefficients :
    - Each row from a separate study
    - All rows have 2 columns
    - Column 1 = sample size (n)
    - Column 2 = Correlation Coefficient (ρ)